What Is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is an extensive piece of academic writing that serves as the culmination of a student’s research project at the end of a university degree. Typically associated with graduate and postgraduate studies, it represents a substantial commitment to advancing knowledge in a specific field.

You systematically compile and synthesize information relevant to a research question or thesis when crafting your dissertation. This process reflects your capability to contribute original insights within your expertise. The following components characterize a dissertation:

  • Abstract: A concise summary of your research.
  • Introduction: Outlining the research problem and objectives.
  • Literature Review: Contextualizing your work within existing studies.
  • Methodology: Detailing your research approach and methods.
  • Results: Present the data collected during your research.
  • Discussion: Analyzing and interpreting your findings.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your work and its implications.

Your role as a student is not merely to compile knowledge from various sources but to generate new understanding through meticulous research. The dissertation is expected to be a long essay, often ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 words for a master’s program or even more for a doctoral thesis.

Doctoral dissertations, in particular, are expected to contribute new theories or practices to the academic community. As you embark on this journey, it is important to approach this endeavor professionally, balancing the depth of research with clear, coherent writing. Your dissertation will likely be reviewed by academic peers and professionals, reflecting your scholarly potential.

Dissertation Committee and Prospectus Process

When embarking on your dissertation, understanding the roles of the dissertation committee and the prospectus process is crucial. Your committee typically consists of university faculty members, including your supervisor or advisor, who will guide you through your research proposal.

Selecting Your Committee

  • Choose faculty who have expertise in your research area.
  • Consider the working style and availability of potential members.
  • Aim to have a mix of perspectives to enrich your dissertation process.

Prospectus Development

The prospectus is a formal document which outlines your proposed research. It usually includes:

  • Introduction to the topic.
  • Literature Review that justifies the need for your study.
  • Detailed Methodology section.

You will develop the prospectus with your advisor, following your university’s guidelines. Based on committee feedback, you expect to revise this document.

Continuously communicating with your committee members is essential throughout the dissertation process. They will provide feedback and support as you refine your prospectus into a full-fledged research proposal.

How to Write and Structure a Dissertation

When approaching writing your dissertation, it is essential to understand the specific structure and formatting requirements. Each section of the dissertation serves a distinct purpose and contributes to the overall substance and clarity of your research.

Title Page

The title page is the first page of your dissertation and plays a crucial role in creating a favorable first impression on your readers. It should be well-organized, professionally formatted, and include all the essential information about your research.

Key elements to include on your title page:

  • Dissertation topic: Your title should be concise, descriptive, and engaging. It should clearly convey the main topic or focus of your research.
  • Your name: Include your full name as it appears in your official academic records.
  • Institution and department: Specify the institution’s name and the department to which you submit your dissertation. The department may have specific formatting guidelines for the title page, so check this first.
  • Date of delivery: Indicate the month and year of your dissertation submission or defense.
  • Research mentor(s) and advisor(s): Include the names, institutions, and email addresses of your research mentor(s) and advisor(s). This information acknowledges their contribution and support throughout your research process.
  • Degree information (if required): Some institutions may require you to include the degree for which you are submitting the dissertation (e.g., “Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in _”).

Remember to adhere to your institution’s specific formatting guidelines, such as font style, font size, spacing, and margin requirements. A well-crafted title page sets a positive tone and demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism.


A dissertation preface is a brief introductory section that provides context for your research and personal background. Although not all institutions require a preface, it can be a valuable addition to your dissertation.

In your preface, you can include:

  • Personal motivation: Discuss what inspired you to pursue this research topic and why it is personally significant to you. Share any relevant experiences or events that influenced your decision to undertake this study.
  • Background information: Provide a brief overview of the context surrounding your research. This can include historical, social, or cultural factors that have shaped your research question or the field of study.
  • Scope and limitations: Briefly explain the scope of your research, highlighting any specific focus areas or limitations. This will help readers understand the boundaries of your study and set realistic expectations.
  • Main argument: Clearly state your main argument or hypothesis, giving readers a concise understanding of what your dissertation aims to investigate or prove.
  • Chapter outline: Provide a brief overview of your dissertation’s structure, summarizing each chapter’s main points or objectives. This gives readers a roadmap to navigate your work.

When writing your preface, use a professional and engaging tone that captures the reader’s attention and establishes the significance of your research. Be concise and focused, as the preface should not exceed a few pages.

Remember that while a preface can add a personal touch to your dissertation, it should maintain an academic and scholarly tone. Avoid using overly casual language or including irrelevant personal anecdotes.


The Acknowledgements section of your dissertation provides a space to express your gratitude to the individuals and organizations who have supported you throughout your research journey. This section is typically placed after the title page and before the abstract.

When writing your acknowledgments, consider including the following:

  • Academic support: Recognize your research mentor(s), advisor(s), and committee members who provided guidance, feedback, and expertise. Acknowledge their time, effort, and intellectual contributions to your work.
  • Emotional support: Express gratitude to family members, friends, and colleagues who provided emotional support, encouragement, and understanding during your research’s challenging periods.
  • Financial support: Acknowledge any financial support you received, such as scholarships, grants, fellowships, or funding from specific organizations or institutions. Mention how this support enabled you to conduct your research effectively.
  • Technical assistance: Recognize individuals who helped you with technical aspects of your research, such as data collection, analysis, or software support.
  • Personal inspiration: If certain individuals have been particularly influential or inspiring to you during your research journey, consider acknowledging their impact on your work and personal growth.

When writing your acknowledgments, use a sincere and professional tone. Be specific about how each individual or organization contributed to your research, and express your appreciation for their support.


The Abstract provides a concise summary of your entire research project. It is usually placed after the title page, acknowledgments, and preface (if included) and before the table of contents. The Abstract typically ranges from 150 to 250 words, although some institutions may have specific word count requirements.

When writing your Abstract, include the following key elements:

  • Research question or problem: Clearly state the primary research question or problem your dissertation aims to address. This should be concise and specific, helping readers understand the focus of your study.
  • Methodology: Briefly describe the research methods and approaches you employed to investigate your research question. This may include data collection techniques, sample size, and analysis methods.
  • Results: Summarize the main findings or outcomes of your research. Highlight the most significant or impactful results directly addressing your research question or problem.
  • Conclusions: Present the key conclusions drawn from your research. Emphasize the implications of your findings and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field.
  • Significance: Discuss the broader significance of your research, indicating its potential impact on your field of study, practical applications, or future research directions.

NOTE: It’s essential to write your Abstract after completing your dissertation, as it should accurately reflect the final content of your work. Ensure that the information presented in the Abstract is consistent with the main text of your dissertation.

Table of Contents

The Table of Contents guides the reader through your dissertation’s layout. It should list all chapters, major sections, and subheadings, along with their corresponding page numbers. Use a clear and consistent format to enhance navigability.

List of Figures and Tables

When your dissertation includes several figures (such as graphs, images, or illustrations) and tables, it is essential to provide a List of Figures and a List of Tables. These lists serve as a quick reference guide for readers, helping them locate specific visual elements within your work. The List of Figures and Tables are typically placed after the Abstract and before the main text of your dissertation.

List of Figures:

  • Include all figures appearing in your dissertation in the order they appear in the text.
  • Provide a brief, descriptive title for each figure that matches the caption used within the main text.
  • Include the page number on which each figure can be found.
  • Use a consistent numbering system throughout your dissertation (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).

If you have used figures from other sources, ensure you have obtained the necessary permissions and included appropriate citations.


Figure 1. Distribution of sample population by age group…………………page 23

Figure 2. Comparison of experimental and control group outcomes…..page 37

List of Tables:

  • Include all tables in your dissertation in the order they appear in the text.
  • Provide a brief, descriptive title for each table that matches the title used within the main text.
  • Include the page number on which each table can be found.
  • Use a consistent numbering system throughout your dissertation (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

If you have used tables from other sources, ensure you have obtained the necessary permissions and included appropriate citations.


Table 1. Summary of demographic characteristics of participants……….page 29

Table 2. Statistical analysis of survey responses……………………………..page 45

List of Abbreviations

This list provides a quick reference for readers, ensuring that they can easily understand the shortened forms used throughout your work. The List of Abbreviations is usually placed after the List of Figures and Tables and before the main text of your dissertation.

To create a List of Abbreviations:

  • Identify all the abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms used in your dissertation.
  • Arrange them alphabetically, based on the abbreviated form (not the full term).
  • Provide the full term or definition for each abbreviation, followed by the abbreviated form in parentheses.
  • Use a consistent format throughout the list, such as using a colon or dash to separate the full term from the abbreviation.
  • If an abbreviation has multiple meanings within your work, include all relevant definitions.


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Confidence Interval (CI)
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI)
  • Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
  • Standard Deviation (SD)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)

When using abbreviations in your dissertation, ensure that you define each term the first time it appears in the text, followed by the abbreviated form in parentheses. After this initial definition, you can use the abbreviated form consistently throughout your work.

Some abbreviations are so common within a specific field that they may not require a full definition (e.g., DNA in genetics or HTTP in computer science). However, if you are unsure whether an abbreviation is widely known, it is best to include it in the List of Abbreviations and provide its full definition.


A Glossary is a useful addition to your dissertation if your work contains many technical, discipline-specific, or uncommon terms that may not be familiar to all readers. The Glossary provides clear, concise definitions for these terms, ensuring that your audience can fully understand the content of your dissertation. The Glossary is typically placed after the List of Abbreviations and before the main text of your work.

To create a Glossary:

  • Identify the terms in your dissertation that may require definition. These could include technical jargon, discipline-specific vocabulary, or words that have a unique meaning within the context of your research.
  • Arrange the terms alphabetically for easy reference.
  • Provide a clear, concise definition for each term. Ensure that the definitions are easy to understand and avoid using overly complex language or additional jargon in the explanations.
  • If a term has multiple meanings or interpretations, focus on the definition most relevant to your research and the context in which it is used.
  • Use a consistent format for each entry, such as bolding the term followed by a colon and the definition.


  • Asynchronous learning: A type of learning that occurs independently of time and place, allowing students to access and complete course materials at their own pace.
  • Blended learning: An educational approach that combines face-to-face instruction with online learning activities.
  • Metacognition: The awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes and learning strategies.
  • Pedagogy: The method and practice of teaching, especially in an academic context.
  • Scaffolding: A teaching method in which support is gradually removed as students become more proficient, fostering independence in learning.

If your dissertation is aimed at a general academic audience, you may need to include more terms in your Glossary than if your work targets experts in your specific field.

Literature Review

This section provides an overview of existing secondary sources and integrates them into a coherent narrative that supports your research question.

To start, identify key themes related to your inquiry. Use these themes to organize the literature thematically, which allows for a structured review that is easy for readers to follow. You aim to critically analyze the literature, summarizing and evaluating previous works while showcasing patterns, gaps, or debates that will add depth to your own research.

You should also maintain a particular focus to avoid a literature review that is too broad or unrelated to your research question. The literature situates your research within the existing body of knowledge, allowing your readers to see how your research question fits into the larger conversation.

Incorporate a theoretical framework that guides your selection and interpretation of literature. This component isn’t just a summary but an argument, showing your unique perspective and how your research question will contribute to and advance the current knowledge. Below is an example structure for your literature review:

  1. Introduction
    • Present the focus of your literature review.
    • Introduce the theoretical framework.
  2. Body
    • Organize the literature by themes.
    • Critically analyze and compare significant texts.
  3. Theoretical Implications
    • Discuss how your review informs your theoretical framework.
    • Identify the contribution your research will make.


When crafting your methodology chapter, it’s crucial to articulate how you will address your research questions through your chosen methods. This section serves as the blueprint of your original research, providing a clear and detailed account of the processes and tools or equipment used to collect and analyze data.

Your methodology will generally fall into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. In a qualitative approach, you are likely to include participant observations, interviews, or analysis of texts. For quantitative research, you would focus on numerical data, using statistical tools to deduce patterns and relationships.

For effective data collection, you must:

  1. Identify the specific methods you will use.
  2. Justify these methods as suitable for your objectives.
  3. Clearly explain each step of the data-gathering process.


  • Surveys
  • Experiments
  • Observational techniques
  • Existing data

In your methodology chapter, be sure to detail:

  • The setting of your research
  • The population or sample
  • The tools or instruments used, including any software
  • The procedures followed

Your methodology must be replicable, allowing others to test the validity of your findings, which is a keystone in professional, academic work. Always maintain an objective stance and transparently report methods, respecting the principles of ethical research.


When you reach the Results section of your dissertation, it’s about presenting your findings clearly and organized. Your ability to do quantitative and qualitative data analysis will become evident as you interpret the data collected during your research. This is where your hypotheses are tested and your research questions are answered.

Begin by using tables and figures to summarize and visually represent the information. It’s essential to:

  • Organize data logically.
  • Label tables and figures clearly.
  • Refer to them in your text.

In quantitative studies:

  1. You’ll typically use statistical software to analyze the data.
  2. Present statistics such as means, standard deviations, and t-tests, depending on the topics covered.

For qualitative research, focus on:

  • Identifying patterns and themes from observations and interviews.
  • Italicize key terms or phrases that recur in the data.

The Results should be free of interpretation; you simply report what the data shows. Maintain objectivity and avoid inserting your biases or assumptions. Each result should link back to a specific hypothesis or research question discussed in earlier chapters. Avoid speculating here; your interpretations will be fleshed out in the following discussion section. Your findings should stand independently, supported by the data you’ve collected and analyzed. Ensure every claim is backed by empirical evidence; this upholds the credence of your work and supports a professional tone.


In the discussion section of your dissertation, you engage with the results in depth. Here, you interpret the data, weaving in the themes that emerged. It’s vital to connect back to your original research objectives, examining how your findings relate to the expectations set at the outset.

  • Discuss implications: What do your findings mean in the larger context of your field? How might they affect future research or practice?
  • Address themes: Have certain patterns or themes become evident in your data? Explore these thoroughly and critically.
  • Build your argument: Use this section to articulate a well-structured argument based on your results.

When writing your discussion, consider the following structure:

  1. Reiterate Your Research Objectives: Begin by reminding the reader of your initial objectives.
  2. Summarize Key Findings: Highlight the most important results before deeper analysis.
  3. Link to Literature: Compare your results with existing literature on the topic.
  4. Discuss the Significance: Elucidate the importance and implications of your findings.
  5. Acknowledge Limitations: Be transparent about any potential limitations in your research.
  6. Make Recommendations: If appropriate, suggest practical actions or directions for future research.

Write professionally, and be sure to support your discussion with evidence from your study. The discussion is your opportunity to clearly articulate your contribution to the scholarly dialogue and underscore the value of your research.

Reference List

Creating an accurate reference list is a critical step in finishing your dissertation. It enumerates all the sources you cited or referenced in your work. Unlike a bibliography, which may contain works you read but did not cite directly, the reference list includes only those you cite within your dissertation.

  • To format your reference list, align the citation style with the guidelines required by your institution. Common styles include APA, MLA, and Chicago. Each style has specific rules for structuring citations and organizing the reference list.
  • Your reference list should begin on a new page at the end of your dissertation, titled ‘References’ or ‘Works Cited,’ depending on the citation style you’re using.
Citation StyleTitle for the Reference List
MLAWorks Cited
  • List your references in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Multiple works by the same author should then be ordered chronologically.
  • Ensure each entry is complete, containing all elements necessary for that particular style:
    • Author(s)
    • Title of the work
    • Publication details
    • Date of publication
  • Maintain consistency with formatting details, such as using bold or italic fonts for titles, capitalization, and punctuation.

Remember, your dissertation’s credibility depends heavily on the accuracy of the citations of your sources. Careful attention to the details of your reference list reflects the scholarly rigor of your research.


In your dissertation, appendices serve as a supplementary section where you can include tables, figures, and research data that are peripheral yet pertinent to your main text. They enhance your argument without cluttering the body of your work.

Structuring Your Appendices:

  • Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc.: Start each appendix on a new page and label them consecutively.
  • Titles and Descriptions: Provide clear titles and brief descriptions for each table or figure to guide your readers.

Including Tables and Figures:

  • Tables/Figures: These should be integrated into your appendices in a manner that follows the chronological presentation of your research findings in the main chapters.
  • Placement: Position them directly after the relevant text that mentions the data for easy reference.

Presenting Research Data:

  • Raw Data: This can be presented in tabular form to support your results or methodology.
  • Supplementary Data: This may include survey questionnaires, detailed procedure descriptions, or complex calculations.

Formatting Tips:

  • Consistency: Ensure that the formatting of titles, headers, and labels matches the style used throughout your dissertation.
  • Legibility: Prioritize clarity when presenting data; oversized items may need to be formatted across multiple pages.

Proofreading and Editing

When you are at the stage of proofreading and editing your dissertation or thesis, it is vital to focus on details that enhance the clarity, coherence, and academic integrity of your work.

Proofreading involves thoroughly examining your text to correct typographical errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Use a proofreading tool to help identify common errors, but do not rely on it exclusively.

Tools can assist with basic errors, but they may not capture nuances in language use or complex sentence structures.

  • Grammar and Spelling: Ensure your dissertation is free from grammatical and spelling mistakes, which can detract from the credibility of your work.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with formatting styles and language choices throughout your document.

Editing, on the other hand, dives deeper. This is where you should engage with the content critically, restructuring arguments, improving the flow, and considering the overall organization of your work.

Seek feedback to gain perspective and enter a constructive revision process.

This phase is also where you ensure that your work aligns with the academic conventions and disciplinary expectations referenced in the Guidelines for the editing of dissertations and theses.

Here’s a brief roadmap to guide you through editing:

  1. Review your structure and argumentation for logical consistency.
  2. Assess the clarity and relevance of your sections and paragraphs.
  3. Receive feedback from peers or mentors and implement changes as needed.
  4. Refine your language to be precise and academically appropriate.
  5. Address any comments or suggestions made by your dissertation committee.

Defending Your Dissertation

When you approach the culmination of your academic journey, the dissertation defense is a pivotal moment. This is where you must cogently present the original research you’ve conducted on your chosen research topic to a panel of experts, typically your dissertation committee.

  • Prepare for your defense by thoroughly reviewing your research and findings.
  • Anticipate questions about all aspects of your work, including your methodology, literature review, data analysis, and conclusions.

Your Presentation should be concise and structured. It should aim to highlight the significance of your work and how it contributes to your field of study.

Use visual aids, like slideshows, to help convey your points more effectively.

It’s not just about your document; it’s about how you interpret and communicate your findings.

Throughout the defense, engage in a professional discussion with your committee, demonstrating your comprehensive knowledge and deep understanding of your research area.

Answer questions confidently and be prepared to justify your research choices.

Remember the following tips for a successful defense:

  • Know your content: You should be the expert in your research.
  • Practice: Rehearse your presentation to improve your delivery and timing.
  • Stay calm: Maintain composure even when faced with tough questions.
  • Think critically: Show your ability to engage with feedback and think on your feet.

Focus on the significance of your contribution to the field and be prepared for praise and constructive criticism.

Your academic defense is not only a test but also an opportunity to showcase your hard work and passion for your subject.

Free Checklist

When tackling your dissertation, a well-organized checklist can be pivotal in managing your deadlines and ensuring your goals are met.

Here’s a concise checklist to keep you on track:

Preliminary Planning:

  • Select your topic: Ensure it’s something you’re passionate about and aligns with your career goals.
  • Outline your goals: Be realistic about what you want to achieve during your research.

Writing Habits:

  • Daily writing: Set aside a dedicated time for daily writing to develop a habit.
  • Review regularly: End each writing session by reading what you’ve written.

Progress Tracking:

  • Set milestones: Break down your project into smaller tasks with deadlines.
  • Monitor your progress: Keep a tab on completed tasks to stay motivated.

Dissertation Structure:

  • Introduction: Clearly state your hypothesis or research question.
  • Literature Review: Summarize the current research and how your work fits in.
  • Methodology: Describe your research methods and justify your choices.
  • Results: Present your findings in an organized manner.
  • Discussion: Interpret your results, discussing the implications and limitations.
  • Conclusion: Briefly summarize your research and its significance.

By adhering to this checklist and focusing on effective planning, you can cultivate productive writing habits and work systematically towards your goals.