A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that provides additional information about another part of a sentence. When the intended subject of the modifier is absent from the sentence, and a different subject appears instead, it results in a dangling modifier.

Dangling modifiers frequently appear as introductory phrases that are incorrectly associated with an unintended subject.

Here’s an example of a dangling modifier and its corrected version:

Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on.Having finished the assignment, she turned on the TV.  After she finished the assignment, the TV was turned on.

In the dangling example, the introductory phrase “Having finished the assignment” is connected to “the TV,” which cannot logically finish an assignment. In the corrected versions, the proper subject (she) is introduced, or the sentence is restructured to eliminate the dangling modifier.

Recognizing dangling modifiers

To recognize dangling modifiers, look for introductory phrases or clauses that are not logically connected to the subject of the main clause.

Examples of dangling modifiers:

  • Having finished the meal, the dishes were washed.

The introductory phrase “Having finished the meal” is not logically connected to “the dishes,” as dishes cannot finish a meal.

  • To get a good grade, the essay must be well-researched and carefully written.

The infinitive phrase “To get a good grade” is not logically connected to “the essay,” as an essay cannot get a grade on its own.

How to fix a dangling modifier

To fix a dangling modifier, you can either revise the main clause or the modifier phrase. Here are the two methods in detail:

Revise the main clause

One way to eliminate a dangling modifier is to revise the main clause by adding a subject that the introductory phrase or clause can logically modify.

Dangling ModifierRevised Sentence
Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on.Having finished the assignment, she turned on the TV.
Walking through the park, the flowers were in full bloom.Walking through the park, I noticed the flowers were in full bloom.
To get a good grade, the essay must be well-researched and carefully written.To get a good grade, you must research and write the essay carefully.
Having completed the project, a celebration was planned.Having completed the project, the team planned a celebration.
Exhausted from the long hike, the campfire was a welcome sight.Exhausted from the long hike, the campers found the campfire to be a welcome sight.

Revise the modifier phrase

Another way to fix a dangling modifier is to revise the modifier phrase itself, ensuring that it connects logically to the subject of the main clause.

Dangling ModifierRevised Sentence
Using a telescope, the stars were observed.The stars were observed using a telescope.
After reading the book, the movie was watched.After the book was read, the movie was watched.
Looking through the microscope, the bacteria were clearly visible.Under the microscope, the bacteria were clearly visible.
Frustrated with the slow progress, the project was abandoned.Due to frustration with the slow progress, the project was abandoned.
Sitting on the bench, the sunset was a breathtaking sight.As they sat on the bench, the sunset was a breathtaking sight.