When writing a research paper or dissertation, you may find that you have additional information that doesn’t quite fit into the main body of your paper. This is where an appendix comes in handy. In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about appendices in research papers, including what to include, how to format them, and where to place them.

What is an appendix in a research paper?

An appendix is a supplementary section at the end of a research paper that includes information that is too detailed or lengthy to be included in the main text. This additional information can help readers better understand your research but is not essential to your paper’s overall argument or conclusion.

What to include in an appendix

The content of your appendix will vary depending on your research topic and the type of information you need to include. Some common examples of what to put in appendices in research include the following:

  • Raw data or statistical calculations
  • Detailed descriptions of research instruments or methodologies
  • Maps, charts, or images that supplement the main text
  • Interview transcripts or survey questions
  • Sample documents or forms used in your research

Remember, the purpose of an appendix is to provide additional information that supports your research without overwhelming the reader or disrupting the flow of your main argument.

how to write an appendix for a research paper

Writing an appendix for a research paper is essential for presenting supplementary information supporting your main text. An appendix in research papers typically contains detailed data, additional analyses, or extended explanations that are important but would disrupt the flow of the main document if included.

To create an effective appendix for a paper, start by identifying relevant materials that enhance your research but are not crucial to understanding your primary argument. These might include raw data tables, detailed methodologies, or survey instruments. When structuring your appendices, use clear headings and labels, such as “Appendix A” or “Appendix 1,” and briefly describe the contents.

sample of an appendix in a research paper

An appendices example in research papers might include statistical outputs, interview transcripts, or large figures. It’s crucial to reference your appendices in the main text, guiding readers to this additional information when needed. For guidance, refer to the sample appendix for research papers or research appendices sample below.

Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire

Title: “Student Satisfaction with Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic”

Instructions: Please answer the following questions using the scale provided. Your responses will remain anonymous.

  1. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of online instruction?
    1. (Very Dissatisfied) 1
    2. (Very Satisfied) 2 3 4 5
  2. How easy was it to access course materials online?
    1. (Very Difficult) 1  
    2. (Very Easy) 2 3 4 5
  3. How would you rate your interaction with instructors in the online environment?
    1. (Poor) 1
    2. (Excellent) 2 3 4 5
  4. How comfortable were you using the learning management system (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas)?
    1. (Very Uncomfortable) 1
    2. (Very Comfortable) 2 3 4 5
  5. How often did you experience technical difficulties during online classes?
    1. (Never) 1
    2. (Rarely) 2
    3. (Sometimes) 3
    4. (Often) 4  
    5. (Always) 5

Demographic Information:

  • Age: ____
  • Gender: ____
  • Year of Study: ____
  • Major: ____

This sample illustrates how an appendix might present a full survey questionnaire used in the research. Other appendices could include raw data tables, detailed statistical analyses, interview transcripts, or extended methodological explanations.

Remember, the appendix section of research papers should be well-organized and easy to navigate, with each appendix on research papers focusing on a specific type of supplementary material.

How to format an appendix

When formatting your appendix, follow these guidelines:

  • Label each appendix with a letter or number and a title that describes its content (e.g., “Appendix A: Survey Questions“).
  • Use the same font and font size as the rest of your paper.
  • If your appendices include tables or figures, label them separately from those in the main text (e.g., “Table A1” for a table in Appendix A).
  • If you have more than one appendix, label each one with a different letter or number and include a separate appendix cover page.

How to refer to an appendix

When mentioning an appendix in the main body of your paper, use parentheses to refer to it by its label. For example, you might write, “The survey questions used in this study can be found in Appendix A.

Where to put your appendices

Appendices should be placed at the end of your research paper after the references or works cited section. If you have multiple appendices, they should appear in the order in which they are mentioned in the main text.

Other components to consider

In addition to your appendices, there are a few other components that you may need to include at the end of your research paper, depending on your field and your assignment’s requirements. These include:

  • Glossary: A list of key terms and their definitions, especially if your paper includes technical or field-specific language.
  • Index: An alphabetical list of key terms, concepts, and names mentioned in your paper, along with the page numbers where they appear.
  • Bibliography or Works Cited: A complete list of all the sources you cited in your paper, formatted according to the style guide required by your instructor or field.

Appendix checklist

Before submitting your research paper, review this checklist to ensure your appendices are complete and properly formatted:

  • Each appendix is labeled with a letter or number and a descriptive title.
  • Appendices are referred to in the main text using parentheses.
  • Tables and figures within appendices are labeled separately from those in the main text.
  • Appendices appear in the order they are mentioned in the main text.
  • Appendices are placed after the references or works cited section.
  • The formatting of the appendices is consistent with the rest of the paper.