A personal statement is a concise essay, typically around 500-1,000 words, that showcases your unique personality, skills, and aspirations. It’s a crucial part of your graduate school application, as it provides an opportunity to share your story and demonstrate why you’re a perfect fit for the program.

To create a compelling personal statement, focus on crafting a narrative highlighting your individual voice and experiences rather than simply listing your accomplishments. Your goal is to convey three key aspects:

  • Your character: Discuss your passions, values, and what motivates you.
  • Your strengths: Highlight the skills and qualities that make you an asset to the program.
  • Your objectives: Explain how the program aligns with your future goals and how it will contribute to your growth.

Here are some tips and strategies for structuring and writing an effective personal statement that will strengthen your application for a master’s or doctoral program.

Getting started with your personal statement

To begin writing your personal statement, have a clear understanding of what the application requires from you. If a specific question or prompt is provided, address it directly in your essay.

The prompt may ask you to discuss various aspects of your life, such as the development of your personal identity, challenges you have overcome, or your motivations for pursuing a particular career path. While the prompt will guide the focus of your essay, find a unique and creative approach to showcase your personality and experiences.

This is your opportunity to let your individuality shine through and demonstrate what makes you a standout candidate. However, there are effective strategies you can employ to create a well-structured and engaging narrative that captures the attention of the admissions committee.

The introduction: Start with an attention-grabbing opening

Your personal statement’s opening paragraph plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the stage for the narrative you wish to share. It should provide a compelling introduction that seamlessly guides the reader into your unique story.

Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene

Opening your personal statement with a vivid, concrete scene is a powerful way to engage the reader and provide insight into your character and passions. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, consider these prompts:

  • Reflect on a personal experience that had a profound impact on your worldview or goals.
  • Share a meaningful story from your family’s history that has shaped who you are today.
  • Describe an unforgettable teacher or learning experience that ignited your interest in your chosen field.
  • Recount an unusual or unexpected encounter that taught you something important about yourself or others.

When crafting your opening scene, aim to go beyond simple description. Start with a captivating first sentence that immediately draws the reader in, and use specific, concrete details to create a rich, immersive atmosphere.  


As I stepped onto the debate stage, my heart raced with excitement and nerves. The bright lights and the expectant faces of the audience members created an electric atmosphere. I took a deep breath, mentally running through the arguments I had spent weeks preparing. This was my chance to give a voice to the voiceless and advocate for the issues I believed in with all my heart. As I began to speak, I felt a sense of purpose wash over me, and I knew that this was what I was meant to do.

Strategy 2: Open with your motivations

Opening your personal statement by discussing your motivations is an effective way to demonstrate your passion and dedication to your chosen field of study or career path.

However, simply expressing your interest is not sufficient. To create a compelling introduction, you must delve deeper into the reasons behind your enthusiasm:

  • Reflect on whether this is a long-held passion or a newfound interest.  
  • Consider whether you have a natural aptitude for the field or have had to put in significant effort to excel.  
  • Examine how your interest aligns with your personal values, experiences, and goals.  
  • Analyze the broader impact and societal importance of your chosen field. 


My passion for computer science stems from a deep-rooted desire to create innovative solutions that have a positive impact on society. From the moment I wrote my first line of code, I was captivated by the boundless potential of technology to transform lives. As I delved deeper into the field, I discovered that computer science is not just about programming; it’s about problem-solving, critical thinking, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Pursuing a degree in computer science is not just a natural fit for my skills and interests; it’s an opportunity to contribute to a field that has the power to shape our future.

Tips for the introduction

Here are some tips for crafting an effective introduction to your personal statement:

Engage readers with a compelling hook or opening line that sparks curiosity and encourages them to keep reading.Start with a cliché or overused phrase, such as “From a young age, I have always been interested in…” or “I am applying to this program because…”
Be authentic and genuine in your writing, showcasing your unique voice and personality.Make broad, sweeping statements or generalizations that lack specificity or supporting evidence.
Provide concrete examples or anecdotes that illustrate your points and make your introduction more memorable.Focus too heavily on the past without connecting it to your current goals and aspirations.
Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for your chosen field or career path.Use overly formal or stilted language that feels unnatural or forced.
Use clear, concise language that is easy to understand and avoids unnecessary jargon or overly complex sentence structures.Reveal sensitive personal information or trauma without considering the potential impact on the reader or the relevance to your application.
Proofread carefully to ensure your introduction is free of grammatical errors, typos, or awkward phrasing.Exceed the recommended word count or length for the introduction, as this may detract from the overall effectiveness of your personal statement.

The main body: Craft your narrative

After introducing the main themes in your personal statement, use the body paragraphs to provide more detailed information about your experiences and motivations, employing various narrative strategies to structure your writing effectively.

Strategy 1: Describe your development over time

A straightforward approach to structuring the body of your personal statement is to provide a chronological account of significant experiences that have influenced your decision to pursue graduate studies.

  • Reflect on the initial spark that ignited your passion for the field. 
  • Discuss the courses, projects, internships, and interactions contributing to your growth and development.
  • Explain how this program aligns with your future aspirations. 

Be selective in choosing the most relevant highlights that showcase your personal and academic evolution, crafting a compelling narrative that demonstrates your active role in shaping your own growth and development.

Example of describing your development over time

My passion for environmental science began with a high school field trip to a local wetland, where I witnessed firsthand the delicate balance of ecosystems. This experience sparked my desire to understand and protect the natural world. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I immersed myself in courses on ecology, conservation biology, and environmental policy. I also researched the impact of invasive species on native plant communities, which strengthened my analytical skills and deepened my commitment to environmental stewardship. These experiences have prepared me to pursue a Master’s in Environmental Science. I hope to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a leader in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation.

Strategy 2: Own your challenges and obstacles

If your journey to graduate school has been marked by challenges or unconventional experiences, you can leverage this in your personal statement by structuring it as a narrative of overcoming obstacles.

  • If your background is underrepresented in your field of study, highlight how your unique experiences and perspective will enrich the program.
  • If your resume has gaps or your grades are lower than desired, openly address these challenges and discuss how you overcame them.

While acknowledging the obstacles you’ve faced, emphasize the positive qualities you’ve developed, such as resilience, resourcefulness, and perseverance. These attributes demonstrate your potential to succeed in graduate school despite the difficulties you’ve encountered.

Example of owning your challenges and obstacles

As a first-generation college student from a low-income family, I have faced numerous obstacles in pursuing higher education. Balancing a full-time job with my studies was a constant challenge, but it taught me the value of time management and prioritization. Despite the financial and personal struggles, I remained committed to becoming a social worker. Through volunteering at a local community center, I discovered my passion for helping others and advocating for social justice. These experiences have strengthened my resolve to pursue a Master’s in Social Work, where I can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to make a meaningful difference in the lives of underserved populations.

Strategy 3: Demonstrate your knowledge of the field

When applying for a research-focused graduate program, such as a PhD, you must demonstrate your knowledge and passion for the field in your personal statement. Focus on the specific area you wish to specialize in and reflect on its significance.

  • Discuss the topics or themes that have captivated you throughout your studies and explain what draws you to them.
  • Highlight your academic achievements, influential professors, or other significant aspects of your educational journey.
  • Share the questions you’d like to explore in your research and why you believe they are important to the field.

While it’s crucial to showcase your enthusiasm and capacity for original thought, remember that the personal statement is not a research proposal. Strike a balance between demonstrating your knowledge and keeping the content concise and relevant to your personal journey and aspirations.

Example of demonstrating your knowledge

Throughout my undergraduate studies in computer science, I have been particularly drawn to artificial intelligence and its potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. My fascination with AI led me to pursue research opportunities, such as working on a project that involved developing a machine learning algorithm for image recognition. This experience not only deepened my understanding of the subject but also ignited my desire to contribute to the advancement of AI. I am especially interested in exploring the ethical implications of AI and how we can ensure that these technologies are developed and used responsibly. Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at [University Name] would provide me with the opportunity to delve deeper into these critical questions and work alongside renowned faculty members who are at the forefront of AI research.

Strategy 4: Discuss your professional ambitions

When applying to a professionally oriented graduate program, such as an MBA, it’s important to focus on your specific career goals and how the program will help you achieve them. Tailor your approach based on your current level of professional experience.

  • If you are just starting your career, highlight how your personal qualities and skills align with the field’s demands. Explain how the graduate program will help you nurture and develop your talents.
  • If you already have professional experience, showcase your accomplishments and explain how the graduate program will enable you to take the next step in your career.
  • If you are planning a career change, discuss the factors that have motivated this decision. Demonstrate how your existing skills and experiences will contribute to your success in your new chosen field.

Remember, simply stating your desired position is not enough. Show that you have carefully considered your career plans and provide evidence of why you are well-suited to excel in this profession. Demonstrate your understanding of the field and commitment to making a meaningful contribution.

Example of discussing your professional ambitions

As a marketing professional with three years of experience in digital advertising, I have developed a strong foundation for creating data-driven campaigns that effectively target and engage audiences. However, I recognize that to advance my career and take on leadership roles, I need to enhance my strategic thinking and business management skills. Pursuing an MBA at [University Name] would provide me with the opportunity to learn from renowned faculty, collaborate with diverse peers, and gain exposure to real-world business challenges. Through the program’s emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, I hope to refine my ability to identify market opportunities, develop comprehensive marketing strategies, and drive business growth. Ultimately, my goal is to transition into a brand management role, where I can leverage my creativity and analytical skills to help companies build strong, authentic relationships with their customers.

Tips for the main body

Here are some tips for crafting the main body of your personal statement:

Structure your narrative in a clear, logical manner that flows naturally from one point to the next.Include irrelevant or excessive details that distract from your main points.
Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your skills, experiences, and personal qualities.Make unsubstantiated claims or exaggerate your achievements.
Demonstrate your passion for the field by discussing your academic and professional experiences with enthusiasm.Use clichés or generic statements that could apply to any candidate.
Highlight your unique perspectives and experiences that will contribute to the diversity of the program.Neglect to proofread your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Show how your goals align with the specific graduate program and how it will help you achieve your aspirations.Focus solely on your past experiences without connecting them to your future goals and the graduate program.
Use transitions to connect your ideas and create a cohesive narrative.Exceed the specified word count or page limit for the personal statement.

The conclusion: Look ahead

In the conclusion of your personal statement, bring the focus back to the program and what you hope to gain from it, whether it’s practical skills, intellectual growth, or a combination of both. Highlight how the program aligns with your specific interests and explain why it is the ideal path to achieve your goals.

Strategy 1: What do you want to know?

If you’re applying to an academic or research-oriented program, conclude by expressing your curiosity and passion for learning. Discuss what you hope to learn and why this program is the best place to pursue that knowledge. If there are specific courses or faculty members that excite you, express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to learn from them.


Pursuing a Ph.D. in Neuroscience at [University Name] would be a transformative opportunity to deepen my understanding of the complex workings of the brain. I am particularly excited about the prospect of learning from Dr. [Professor Name], whose groundbreaking research on neural plasticity has inspired my own interest in the field. Through the program’s rigorous coursework and cutting-edge research opportunities, I hope to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make meaningful contributions to our understanding of neurological disorders. I am confident that this program will provide me with the ideal environment to grow as a scientist and pursue my passion for unraveling the mysteries of the brain.

Strategy 2: What do you want to do?

If you’re applying to a program that emphasizes professional training, use your conclusion to discuss your career aspirations. Explain the role you hope to play in society and how this program is the ideal choice to help you achieve those goals.


Obtaining a Master’s in Public Health at [University Name] would be a critical step in achieving my goal of becoming a global health advocate. With a focus on health policy and management, this program will equip me with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and implement effective strategies for addressing health disparities in underserved communities. Through the program’s emphasis on practical experience and community engagement, I will be well-prepared to take on leadership roles in international health organizations and make a meaningful impact on global health equity. I am excited about the opportunity to learn from faculty members who are at the forefront of public health research and practice and to collaborate with a diverse cohort of passionate individuals committed to creating positive change in the world.

Tips for the conclusion

Here are some tips for crafting the conclusion of your personal statement:

Restate your key themes and tie them together.Introduce entirely new ideas or experiences.
Emphasize the fit between your goals and the specific program.Be generic or vague about your reasons for choosing the program.
Express enthusiasm and excitement for the opportunity to learn and grow.Simply summarize what you’ve already said in the personal statement.
Leave a lasting impression with a strong, confident, and forward-looking final statement.End with a cliché or overused phrase.
Proofread carefully to ensure a polished and error-free conclusion.Rush the conclusion or treat it as an afterthought.

Revising, editing, and proofreading your personal statement

Allocate sufficient time for refining and polishing your writing. As graduate school involves a significant amount of writing, making a strong first impression through your personal statement is crucial.

While your writing style may be slightly less formal than that of other academic pieces, it should still be clear, straightforward, and well-structured. Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly from one to the next by employing topic sentences and transitions that establish clear connections between different sections of your essay.

Don’t hesitate to rewrite and restructure your personal statement as needed. Given the flexibility in the structure of this type of essay, you can experiment with the arrangement of information to determine what works most effectively.

Lastly, proofread your personal statement and correct any language errors, such as grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes, to present a polished and error-free piece of writing.