When crafting your abstract or summary, it’s essential to keep it succinct yet comprehensive. Your aim should be to convey the fundamental aspects of your work within the prescribed word limit, ensuring that the abstract or summary remains an accurate reflection of the content.

Avoid Passive Sentences

Use active voice to create a more direct and dynamic abstract. Active sentences are typically shorter and clearer, which helps in reducing the overall summary length. For example, instead of saying, “The experiment was conducted by researchers,” say, “Researchers conducted the experiment.” Here are the examples presented in a table format:

Original SentenceRevised Sentence
The data were analyzed by the statistician.The statistician analyzed the data.
The survey was completed by the participants.The participants completed the survey.
The results were interpreted by the researchers.The researchers interpreted the results.
The samples were collected by the laboratory technicians.The laboratory technicians collected the samples.
The manuscript was reviewed by the editor.The editor reviewed the manuscript.

Avoid The Noun Style

Minimize nominalizations, or noun forms of verbs, to shorten and clarify your sentences. This will help you create a straightforward summary. Instead of “The demonstration of results was clear,” use “The results demonstrated clearly.”Here are the examples presented in a table format:

Original SentenceRevised Sentence
The analysis of the data.Analyzing the data.
The identification of the key themes.Identifying the key themes.
The implementation of the intervention.Implementing the intervention.
The examination of the results.Examining the results.
The evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.Evaluating the program’s effectiveness.

Avoid Long Sentences

Break down complex, compound sentences into shorter, simpler ones. This helps maintain clarity and keeps within the word limit. For instance, separate “The study yielded results, which were analyzed and discussed,” into two sentences: “The study yielded results. These were analyzed and discussed.” Here are the examples presented in a table format:

Original SentenceRevised Sentence
The study found that the intervention had a significant impact on the participants’ quality of life, and the researchers concluded that it should be implemented in clinical practice.The intervention significantly improved participants’ quality of life and should be implemented in clinical practice.
The results of the survey indicated that the majority of respondents were satisfied with the service, but there were some areas that needed improvement, such as the response time and the availability of staff.Most respondents were satisfied with the service, but response time and staff availability needed improvement.
Participants were recruited online through healthcare provider referrals and screened for eligibility based on specific criteria.The literature review showed a lack of consensus on the concept’s definition, necessitating further research for clarification and standardized measurement.
The participants were recruited through a combination of online advertisements and referrals from healthcare providers, and they were screened for eligibility based on a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria.Data were collected through surveys, interviews, and observations and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve a comprehensive understanding.
The survey results indicated that the majority of respondents were satisfied with the service, but some areas, such as the response time and staff availability, needed improvement.The literature review revealed that there is a lack of consensus on the concept’s definition, and further research is needed to clarify its meaning and develop a standardized measurement tool.

Avoid Repetition

Eliminate repetitive statements or information in your abstract. Each point should be mentioned once, ideally in a key sentence that captures its essence effectively. Review your summary and remove redundancies to save space and improve readability. Here are the examples presented in a table format:

Original SentenceRevised Sentence
The study investigated the effects of the intervention. The intervention was designed to reduce anxiety.The study investigated the intervention’s effects on anxiety reduction.
The participants were recruited from the community. The community was located in a rural area.Participants were recruited from a rural community.
The results showed that the treatment was effective. The effectiveness of the treatment was demonstrated by the reduction in symptoms.The results demonstrated the treatment’s effectiveness in reducing symptoms.
The survey was distributed to the employees. The employees were asked to complete the survey.The survey was distributed to the employees for completion.
The data were analyzed using statistical software. The software used for the analysis was SPSS.The data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software.

Avoid Detailed Descriptions

While details are important in the full document, your abstract should not delve into them. Offer just enough to inform readers of the scope and nature of your work without overloading your abstract with specifics. Stick to the main elements and overarching results. Here are the examples presented in a table format:

Original SentenceRevised Sentence
The study was conducted in a large, urban hospital located in the northeastern United States.The study was conducted in an urban hospital in the northeastern US.
The participants were recruited through flyers posted in community centers, libraries, and grocery stores.Participants were recruited through flyers posted in community locations.
The intervention consisted of a 12-week program that included weekly group sessions and individual coaching calls.The intervention was a 12-week program with weekly group sessions and individual coaching.
The survey was administered online using a secure platform that ensured the confidentiality of the responses.The survey was administered online using a secure, confidential platform.
The data were analyzed using a mixed-methods approach that combined descriptive statistics and thematic analysis.The data were analyzed using a mixed-methods approach.

Only Include The Main Elements

Focus on the main elements of your work: objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. Use bullet points to outline these parts before fleshing them out into full sentences, ensuring that each sentence provides new information and is crucial to understanding your study. Here are the examples presented in a table format:

Original SentenceRevised Sentence
The cross-sectional survey was distributed to a sample of 500 individuals, with a response rate of 60%. The survey included questions about demographics, health behaviors, and attitudes toward the topic of interest. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis.A randomized controlled trial compared the effects of a new treatment to standard care on symptom change.
The qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to explore the participants’ experiences and perspectives. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The themes that emerged from the analysis were used to develop a conceptual framework.A qualitative study explored participants’ experiences and perspectives through interviews, revealing key themes.
The systematic review included studies that met the following criteria: (1) published in a peer-reviewed journal, (2) used a randomized controlled trial design, (3) included adult participants with the condition of interest, and (4) measured the relevant outcomes. The studies were assessed for quality using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.A systematic review of randomized controlled trials investigated the condition of interest in adults, assessing study quality.
The case study used multiple data sources, including interviews, observations, and document analysis, to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. The data were triangulated to ensure the credibility and trustworthiness of the findings. The case study highlighted the key factors that contributed to the program’s success.A cross-sectional survey of 500 individuals examined demographics, health behaviors, and attitudes, with a 60% response rate.
The case study used multiple data sources, including interviews, observations, and document analysis, to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. The data were triangulated to ensure the credibility and trustworthiness of the findings. The case study highlighted the key factors contributing to the program’s success.A case study used multiple data sources to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon and its success factors.