As you conclude your college essay, you should give the reader a sense that the essay is complete and leave them with a strong final impression of you.

Writing the conclusion can often be harder than writing the introduction. You may need to go back and revise the ending after you’ve written the rest of the essay.

Instead, here are some better ways to end your essay:

  • Go back to the beginning 
  • Look ahead to the future. 
  • Reveal your main point. 
  • End with action.  

The goal is to write a conclusion that feels thoughtful and original. You want it to leave a vivid final impression of who you are. With a little creativity, you can craft an ending that really makes your essay stand out.

Endings to avoid

The ending of your college essay is really important. You don’t want to ruin a good essay with a weak conclusion. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:


Don’t just restate the main points of your essay. This is an admissions essay, not an academic paper, so you don’t need to summarize what you’ve already written. Phrases like “in conclusion” or “to sum it up” make it seem like you have nothing new to add.

Stating the obvious

Don’t just state obvious things that the reader can already figure out from your essay. For example, if you talked about all the hard work you did, don’t end by saying “I’m a hardworking person.” The reader already knows that.

You also don’t need to beg to be accepted. The admissions officers know you want to get in – that’s why you applied! Just focus on sharing your unique story and experiences.

Here is a detailed explanation on the tips to make sure you don’t ruin a good essay with a weak conclusion:

Option 1: Return to the beginning

One effective way to end your college essay is to come full circle and return to something you mentioned at the start. This creates a nice sense of structure and closure for the reader.

The “sandwich” or “full-circle” approach starts by introducing an idea, image, or anecdote, then explores other topics in the body of the essay, before circling back to that original element in the conclusion. This technique can be very satisfying for the reader, as it ties the essay together in a neat, self-contained way.

For example, imagine a student writing about their passion for musical theater. Rather than simply stating that interest, the essay could open with a humorous anecdote about a minor disaster that happened during a school production. Then, in the body of the essay, the student explores how their involvement in theater has shaped them.

In the conclusion, the essay could return to that initial anecdote, reflecting on how even the challenges of theater have fueled their love for the art form. This creates a sense of coming full circle and leaves the reader with a vivid final impression.

Example: “Sandwich” Essay

  • Intro: It was the most embarrassing moment of my high school career.

As I stood on stage, my palms sweaty and heart pounding, I suddenly heard a strange crackling sound. To my horror, I realized the props behind me were on fire. In a moment of pure panic, I did the only logical thing I could think of – I grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and frantically sprayed it across the stage.

  • Describe the backstory – your passion for the school play and all the hard work that went into it
  • Recount the incident in detail – the chaos that ensued, your quick thinking, and how you handled the situation
  • Reflect on the lessons learned and how the experience shaped you
  • Conclusion: That day, I may have failed spectacularly as an accidental firefighter, but I succeeded in solidifying my deep commitment to the stage. The thrill of performance, the camaraderie of my cast mates, and the challenge of problem-solving under pressure – these are the things that make theatre my greatest passion. No matter how many prop fires I have to put out in the future, my love for the craft will never be extinguished.

Option 2: Look forward

Another effective way to end your college essay is to look ahead to the future. This type of conclusion can leave the reader feeling hopeful and inspired about your potential.

The key is to avoid sounding overly generic or clichéd. Instead, try to connect your forward-looking statements directly to your unique experiences and goals.

Here are some good and badl examples of “looking forward” conclusions for a college admissions essay:

Bad Example: ClichéGood Example: Original
“I can’t wait to explore all the theater opportunities in college.”As the final curtain falls, a world of theatrical wonder awaits.
“I hope to continue developing my passion for the arts in the future.”The stage may be my past, but it is also my future.
“I look forward to seeing where my love of theater takes me next.”My heart will forever belong to the spotlight.

Option 3: Reveal your main point

Another effective strategy for ending a college admissions essay is to save your main point or insight for the conclusion. By holding back your primary message until the end, you can leave the reader with a strong, lasting impression.

This approach works well if your essay recounts several different experiences or anecdotes. Rather than spelling out the connection between them earlier, you can wait until the conclusion to reveal the overarching lesson or realization.

When executed well, this ending structure can be quite memorable. It demonstrates your ability to build suspense and deliver an impactful final message.

However, taking this route does require careful planning. You need to ensure the earlier parts of your essay remain engaging enough to keep the reader’s attention until you unveil your main point.

Example: Saving the main point for the conclusion

Intro: I can still picture myself at that first ballet recital, age 5 – passionate, excited, brimming with joy as I twirled across the stage.

Recital at age 10

  • By then, I struggled with self-confidence and even considered quitting
  • But with my instructor’s support, I pushed through
  • That’s when I realized the true power of perseverance

Rehearsals senior year

  • Feeling pulled in so many directions – school, other activities, college apps
  • I was tempted to give up dance to focus on academics
  • But dance remained my anchor, helping me manage the stress

Conclusion: As I take my final bow, I’m filled with appreciation for the lessons dance has taught me. That passionate 5-year-old is still a part of me, as are the resilient 10-year-old and determined 17-year-old. Dance has been a constant source of joy, a refuge in tough times, and a forge for my strength of character. Though this chapter is ending, the grace, discipline, and resilience I’ve gained will stay with me long after I leave the stage.

Option 4: End on an action

Another impactful way to conclude your college admissions essay is to end on an action – either a literal action, a vivid piece of dialogue, or a continuation of the narrative. This can create a compelling, forward-looking ending that leaves the reader engaged and eager to learn more about you.

Unlike a summary or restatement of your main points, an action-oriented conclusion propels the essay forward, inviting the reader to imagine what might come next for you. This can be an especially effective strategy if you’ve used storytelling techniques throughout your essay.

Example: Ending on an action

I gazed up at the towering university gates, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling inside me. With a deep breath, I pushed through the doors, entering a whole new world of possibility. The challenges and adventures that awaited me beyond these walls would put all the problem-solving skills I’d honed in the theater to the test. But I was ready, my creativity and resilience as my guide. This was only the beginning of an extraordinary journey, and I could hardly wait to see what was in store.