Most college application portals provide a specific word count range for your essay, such as 250-650 words.While this word count is not an absolute rule, it’s best to stay within about 10% of the upper limit. For example, if the limit is 650 words, your essay should be between 585-715 words.

If the application does not specify a word count, it’s generally recommended to keep your essay between 400-600 words. This length allows you to develop your ideas thoroughly without going overboard.

You should make an effort to stay under the specified word count limit. This shows that you can follow directions and write in a concise, focused manner. Colleges want to see that you can communicate effectively within parameters.

Word count guidelines for different application types

The recommended word count for college application essays can vary depending on the specific application portal used by each university.

Many institutions provide a clear word count guideline or limit. For example, the Common App has a strict 650-word cap that the system will not allow you to exceed. Some colleges using the Common App may accept essays shorter than 250 words, but this is generally considered too brief to fully develop your narrative.

On the other hand, some application portals may allow you to go over the suggested word count, but it’s important to be mindful that admissions officers have limited time and energy to thoroughly review lengthy essays. 

The best approach is to closely follow the specific word count guidelines provided by each university, using it as a target rather than a rigid rule.

Application PortalWord CountLimit
Common App250–650 wordsStrict limit
Coalition App500–650 wordsNot strict
UC AppFour 350-word essaysStrict limit

For certain types of college application essays, such as scholarship essays, diversity essays, and “Why this college?” prompts, the recommended word count can vary considerably from the general guidelines. It’s important to carefully verify and respect the specific limit provided for each individual prompt.

How to shorten your essay

While some application portals may allow you to exceed the recommended word count, there are good reasons to make every effort to stay within the specified limit:

  • Keeping your essay concise helps maintain the admissions officer’s attention throughout. Longer essays risk losing the reader’s focus.
  • Adhering to the word count guidelines demonstrates your ability to follow instructions and communicate effectively within parameters.
  • Writing a good essay shows you have the skill to express your ideas in a clear, concise manner.

Stay on the main point

While vivid imagery and descriptive language can be effective in drawing the reader in, only include details that are directly relevant to supporting your main point. Cut any sentences or anecdotes that veer off into tangents or include unnecessary information.

Bad Example: Too Many Tangents 

On our camping trip, my family and I spent time together away from our normal routines. My favorite part was making s’mores by the campfire. 

The smell of the toasted marshmallows reminded me of the movie “The Sandlot.” I love that movie! There’s a funny line in it – “You’re killin’ me, Smalls!”

My dad, who usually spends a lot of time on his computer for work, was really good at making the s’mores. He showed me how to hold the marshmallow just the right distance from the fire to get it perfectly golden brown. 

We waited together as the marshmallow melted and combined with the chocolate and graham cracker. It was so delicious!

Good Example: Sticks to the Point 

On our camping trip, my family and I spent time together away from our normal routines. My favorite part was making s’mores by the campfire. 

My dad, who usually spends a lot of time on his computer for work, showed me how to hold the marshmallow just the right distance from the fire to get it perfectly golden brown. We waited together as the marshmallow melted and combined with the chocolate and graham cracker. It was so delicious!

Those simple moments, disconnected from technology, reminded me of the joy in life’s simple pleasures. Sharing that experience with my family was the true treasure of our camping adventure.

These college essay examples illustrate how you can trim down your essay to meet the word count requirements.

Eliminate wordiness

One effective strategy for shortening your college essay is to ruthlessly eliminate any unnecessary words that clutter your writing. If a word or phrase doesn’t meaningfully contribute to your message, it should be cut.

Here are some common examples and how you can tighten them up:

Wordiness ProblemWordy ExampleConcise Revision
Repetition and redundancyI personally believe that the most important lesson I learned was the value of persistence.I learned the value of persistence.
Inflated phrasesI was able to volunteer at the local animal shelter over the summer.I volunteered at the local animal shelter over the summer.
Phrasal verbsI ended up enjoying the experience.I enjoyed the experience.
Unnecessary “of” phrasesDue to the fact that I had to work multiple jobs, I didn’t have much free time.Because I had to work multiple jobs, I didn’t have much free time.
False subjects “There is/there are”There were many challenges I faced during the project.I faced many challenges during the project.
Unnecessary qualifiersIn my opinion, the most important lesson I learned was the value of persistence.The most important lesson I learned was the value of persistence.
Passive voiceThe project was completed by me on time.I completed the project on time.
Unnecessary helping verbsI was able to solve the problem.I solved the problem.

How to expand your essay

While it’s important to respect the word count guidelines provided by colleges, submitting an essay that is significantly shorter than the recommended length can also be problematic. If your narrative is too brief, you may be missing out on the chance to provide the admissions officers with a truly authentic, in-depth look at who you are.

So if you find your initial draft is falling well short of the expected length, here are some effective strategies to expand your college essay:

Show detailed examples, and don’t tell generic stories

The most compelling essays use vivid imagery, sensory details, and specific anecdotes to paint a vivid picture for the reader. This allows the admissions officers to truly immerse themselves in your unique experiences and perspectives.

Bad ExampleGood Example
I’m a compassionate person who loves volunteering.Nestled in the kennels of the local animal shelter, I gently brushed the soft fur of the rescued dogs as I read to them, captivated by the unconditional love in their eyes.
Participating in the school play was a valuable experience for me.As the lights dimmed and I stepped onto the stage, my heart raced with excitement. Delivering my lines with conviction, I basked in the joy of sharing my passion for acting.
I’ve always been interested in science and math.Hunched over my lab station, the aroma of chemicals mixing with the sound of bubbling solutions, I carefully recorded my observations, piecing together the puzzle with intense focus.

Reveal your feelings and insight

Rather than simply stating emotions, be creative in how you express them. Similarly, when it comes to the lessons you’ve learned, don’t just claim that you “became a hard worker” or “gained more confidence.” Explain the specific actions you took as a result of these insights. Describe how you tackled a challenging task with renewed determination, or recount a time you stepped out of your comfort zone with a newfound sense of self-assurance.

Bad ExampleGood Example
I was happy when I got the lead role in the school play.The moment I saw my name at the top of the cast list, a grin spread across my face as a surge of exhilaration coursed through me. I could already envision myself on the stage, delivering my lines with passion and confidence.
Volunteering at the animal shelter taught me the importance of compassion.Witnessing the unconditional love in the rescued dogs’ eyes as I brushed their soft fur and read to them filled me with a profound sense of purpose. From that moment on, I was determined to bring that same compassion to every aspect of my life, whether it was supporting my teammates or lending a helping hand to a neighbor in need.
I became a more hardworking student after that experience.Rather than giving up in the face of the daunting workload, I threw myself into my studies with renewed determination. Late into the night, you would find me hunched over my desk, the sound of my pencil scratching against paper as I meticulously reviewed each lesson, driven by an unwavering commitment to succeed.
That failure made me more resilient.When I didn’t make the varsity team, I was crushed. But instead of letting that disappointment consume me, I channeled it into an obsessive training regimen, pushing myself to new limits during every practice. With each grueling workout, I felt my confidence and self-belief slowly rebuild, transforming that initial setback into fuel for my future progress.