A typical dissertation or thesis outline includes several key components, such as

Working Title

When crafting your dissertation or thesis, the working title is a crucial element that guides your research and writing process. It is a temporary label for your project and keeps your work focused and aligned with your research goals.

A well-considered working title:

  • Clearly identifies the subject matter
  • Reflects the scope of your study
  • Suggests the nature of your research

While developing your working title, remember that it will change as your understanding of the topic deepens. The title encompasses the main idea but remains flexible enough to evolve with your thesis or dissertation.

Here’s a simplified structure of how your title page should be organized:

  1. Title: The working title is placed at the center and bolded.
  2. Your Name: Directly below the title, usually in a smaller font size.
  3. Academic Institution: Below your name.
  4. Submission Date: Typically found at the bottom of the page.
  5. Degree Program: The specific program to which you are submitting your thesis.

Keep your title concise, yet ensure that it conveys the essence of your research. It is your project’s first impression and frames the reader’s expectations. As your research narrows and your writing progresses, refine your working title to more accurately reflect the contents of your dissertation or thesis.


When crafting the abstract for your thesis or dissertation, you are essentially summarizing your entire research project.

An effective abstract provides a clear and concise synopsis that highlights your study’s key elements: objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions. It serves as a standalone text that can inform the reader of the central aspects of your work without the need for the entire document.

  • Importance: Your abstract is crucial as it is often the first part—and sometimes the only part—of your research that will be read. It sets the stage for potential readers, including examiners or peers, letting them decide whether to delve into the full document.
  • Content: Ensure you address the main question or problem your thesis or dissertation explores.

Briefly outline your research methods, summarize the principal findings, and indicate the significance of the conclusions.

  • Objectives: Clear articulation of your research aim or question.
  • Methodology: Overview of the design and approach taken.
  • Findings: Digest of the most important results.
  • Conclusions: The implications of your results and any overarching conclusion you have drawn.

While there is no one-size-fits-all template, your abstract should be a neat package of your extensive scholarly work condensed into a 150-250-word section.

It’s imperative to write clearly, using technical language only when necessary, and avoiding any excess details that detract from the essence of your study.

Remember, your abstract should reflect your research, be accurate and professional, and function as a navigational tool that guides your audience to the heart of your scholarly endeavor.

Literature Review

When drafting your dissertation or thesis, the literature review is a foundational element that frames the scholarly conversation in which your research will engage. It not only summarizes the existing content in your field but also critically evaluates and synthesizes that information to establish a theoretical framework for your study.

Identify key literature, including books, peer-reviewed articles, and other relevant sources.

Your selection should include materials that:

  • Offer a variety of perspectives on your topic
  • Highlight the evolution of scholarly debate
  • Connect with your research objectives and questions

Organizing the literature review can take several forms, but always aim to structure it in a way that best supports your research argument and the data analysis to follow. For instance:

  1. Chronological: Outlining developments over time
  2. Thematic: Grouping sources by theme or subject
  3. Methodological: Organizing by research method or approach

Discuss how each source relates to your research as you synthesize the literature.

Your analysis should also identify gaps in the literature, posing questions your thesis aims to answer.

Be aware of potential research bias and ensure your literature review is balanced and representative.

It is crucial to present a well-rounded view of the current knowledge and theories related to your topic. Your literature review will thus lay a robust foundation for your research methodology and set the stage for the original contribution your work intends to make.


Your dissertation’s methodology section is crucial for explaining how you intend to address your research question.

This section should detail your chosen research methods, whether quantitative or qualitative and justify your approach. The methodology demonstrates the reliability and validity of your data collection procedures and analysis.

Quantitative Research

In quantitative research, you focus on collecting numerical data and applying statistics to test hypotheses.

You should:

  • Outline your research design and describe how you’ll collect your data, whether through surveys, experiments, or existing data.
  • Detail the statistical methods you will use to analyze the data.

Be transparent about the significance level and the software that will be utilized.

Qualitative Research

With qualitative research, you’re exploring themes and constructing a narrative through words rather than numbers.

Your methodology should:

  • Specify how you will gather data, such as through interviews or observations, and detail how you’ll record and organize this data.
  • Explain how you’ll analyze interview transcripts or other qualitative outputs to identify patterns and themes.


The Results section is where you present the outcomes of your research clearly and succinctly in your dissertation or thesis.

Your readers must understand the data analysis and findings without ambiguity. The following are key components to include:

  • Descriptive Statistics: Begin with basic descriptive statistics such as means, medians, and standard deviations. Tables can be particularly useful here to summarize your data.
  • Analytical Statistics: Report on any inferential statistics you have conducted, such as t-tests or ANOVAs, and the significance of these tests. Use charts or graphs to represent significant trends or relationships visually.
  • Qualitative Data: If your research involves qualitative data, discuss themes, patterns, and narratives that have emerged.

Avoid inserting interpretations or drawing conclusions at this stage when presenting your research findings.

You aim to report what the data reveals.

Your analysis methods are crucial for the validity of your results.

Clearly state the software or tools you have used, such as SPSS or Python, to lend credibility and allow for the reproducibility of your analysis.

Remember to:

  • Be concise and factual.
  • Avoid presenting the same information in both tabular and graphical format.
  • Discuss any unexpected findings, but leave the interpretation for the discussion section.

This methodical approach ensures that your findings are presented in a professional manner that adheres to academic standards.


Your dissertation or thesis’s discussion section is where you interpret and analyze your research findings.

This section should articulate the results, explaining the patterns, principles, and relationships shown by your data and assessing whether they fit the framework of your literature review and introduction.

Interpreting Your Findings

  • Consider the context: Compare your results with the expectations and the literature presented in earlier chapters.
  • Identify patterns: Highlight any significant patterns or trends you discovered in your research.

Addressing Limitations

  • Acknowledge limitations: No study is without limitations. It’s essential to discuss the possible constraints of your research.
  • Explain the impact: Explain how these limitations may have affected your results.

Pondering Future Implications

  • Connect to the broader field: Address how your findings can influence future research in your area of study.
  • Propose future directions: Suggest areas for future study to build upon your work.

Making Recommendations

  • Practical recommendations: If applicable, suggest how your work can be applied in real-world scenarios.
  • Academic contributions: Recommend how your research can inform further scholarly research.

Dissertation and Thesis Outline Templates

Creating a clear and structured outline is crucial for navigating the complex process of writing your dissertation or thesis.

An effective outline serves as a roadmap throughout your writing process, ensuring clarity and a coherent structure to your work.

Chapter Outline Example

Your chapter outline provides a detailed framework for each section of your dissertation. Here’s a basic structure to consider:

  1. Introduction
    • Background of the Study
    • Statement of the Problem
    • Purpose of the Study
  2. Literature Review
    • Theoretical Framework
    • Review of Related Literature
  3. Methodology
    • Research Design
    • Population and Sample
    • Data Collection Methods
  4. Results
    • Presentation of Data
    • Analysis and Interpretation of Data
  5. Discussion
    • Summary of Findings
    • Implications of the Study
    • Recommendations for Future Research
  6. Conclusion
    • Synthesis of the Research
    • Final Thoughts and Considerations
  7. References
  8. Appendices

This template can be adapted to fit the specific requirements of your academic discipline and departmental guidelines.

Use the appropriate APA style for your table of contents and headings.

Sample Sentences for Your Chapter Outline

When elaborating on your chapter outline, consider using sentences that are direct and exhibit your scholarly tone. For instance:

  • “This study analyzes the impact of AI on academic writing, particularly focusing on the utilization by researchers.”
  • “The literature review will examine the existing studies on synonyms and action verbs to enhance academic writing.”

Such sentences provide explicit examples of what each chapter will address and preemptively answer questions about the content of your study.

Sample Verbs for Variation in Your Chapter Outline

Language variation is key to maintaining the reader’s engagement. Here’s a table of sample verbs that could help you avoid repetition and the passive voice:

PurposeSample Action Verbs
To Describeexamine, illustrate, define, describe
To Explainclarify, explicate, elaborate, outline
To Analyzedissect, contrast, compare, investigate
To Arguecontend, assert, advocate, argue
To Concludesummarize, conclude, deduce, infer

Using these verbs effectively combats a monotonous writing process and ensures clarity in your exposition without resorting to an is-av construction.

Each element of your dissertation requires your utmost attention to detail. Using AI for academic writing can help create synonyms and enhance the vocabulary of your dissertation, contributing to a more dynamic and engaging academic document.

Supplemental Sections

In crafting a comprehensive dissertation or thesis, your document will include several supplemental sections crucial for providing a structured presentation of your research. These sections not only adhere to specific formatting guidelines but also present your work in a manner that aligns with academic standards. Each component plays a pivotal role in effectively communicating the contents of your graduate work.

Title Page

Your Title Page must conform to your university’s formatting guidelines. It typically lists the title, your name, institution, department, delivery date, research mentor(s), and mentor’s institution. It’s the first impression of your work, so ensure it’s professional and informative.


An Abstract succinctly summarizes the key points of your research, including objectives and conclusions. It should be concise—usually one paragraph—and is a standalone overview of the entire document.

Table of Contents

The Table of Contents should list all sections and sub-sections using clear formatting. Use Microsoft Word’s features to automatically generate this list, ensuring page numbers match the actual document layout. Preliminary pages typically use Roman numerals for page numbering.

List of Figures and Tables

If your document contains multiple visuals and tables, include a list of figures and tables. This list provides an organized reference, delineating the figures and tables with corresponding page numbers for quick access.

List of Abbreviations

A List of Abbreviations clarifies any acronyms or abbreviations used throughout your work. Present them in alphabetical order to assist the reader in quickly deciphering terms.


Acknowledgments allow you to thank those who supported you during the research process. Keep this professional and concise, reflecting on contributions without excessive detail.


If your dissertation includes specialized terminology, a Glossary is essential. Define key terms to aid readers in understanding your work’s content without confusion.


An Appendix or appendices serve as a repository for material that supplements your main text. This may include raw data, detailed calculations, or additional research materials that are relevant but not integral to the text’s flow.


The References section is critical for academic integrity, listing all sources contributing to your research. Adhere to the prescribed citation style. Consider using a citation generator to ensure accuracy.