In scientific research, understanding the distinction between correlation and causation is crucial for interpreting findings accurately and drawing valid conclusions. Correlation is a statistical relationship or association between two variables, where a change in one variable is accompanied by a change in the other variable.

Causation involves a direct cause-and-effect relationship between variables. When there is causation, a change in one variable (the cause) directly leads to or produces a change in another variable (the effect).  

What’s the difference?

  • Correlation refers to a statistical relationship or association between two variables. When two variables are correlated, a change in one variable is associated with a change in the other variable. However, a correlation does not necessarily imply a cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Causation refers to a direct cause-and-effect relationship between two variables, where a change in one variable directly leads to or causes a change in the other variable.
RelationshipDescribes an association or relationship between two variablesEstablishes a direct cause-and-effect relationship between two variables
DirectionDoes not indicate the direction of the relationship (A causes B or B causes A)Clearly establishes the direction of the causal relationship (A causes B)
Third VariablesCan be influenced by third, confounding variablesControls or accounts for the influence of third variables
ManipulationDoes not involve manipulating variablesInvolves manipulating the independent variable and measuring its effect on the dependent variable
Research DesignCorrelational (e.g., surveys, observational studies)Experimental or causal (e.g., randomized controlled trials, quasi-experiments)
InferenceAllows for exploring relationships and generating hypothesesAllows for making causal inferences and testing hypotheses
StrengthCorrelation coefficient indicates the strength of the relationshipExperimental designs can provide evidence for the strength of the causal effect
ChanceCorrelations can occur by chance or coincidenceCausal relationships are less likely to occur by chance if properly controlled
Reverse CausalityCannot rule out reverse causality (B causes A instead of A causes B)Can establish the direction of causality through experimental manipulation
GeneralizabilityCorrelational findings may have limited generalizabilityCausal findings from well-designed experiments can be more generalizable

Why doesn’t correlation mean causation?

The presence of a correlation between two variables does not automatically mean that one variable causes the other. There are several reasons why correlation does not necessarily imply causation:

  • Third variable problem: An observed correlation between two variables may be due to the influence of a third, uncontrolled variable that affects both variables.
  • Reverse causality: The observed relationship between the variables could be due to reverse causation, where the presumed effect is actually the cause, and the presumed cause is the effect.
  • Coincidence: Sometimes, correlations can occur purely by chance or coincidence, without any underlying causal relationship.
  • Directionality problem: A correlation does not provide information about the direction of the relationship between variables. It does not indicate whether variable A causes variable B or vice versa.

Correlational research

Correlational research involves measuring two or more variables and examining the statistical relationship between them without manipulating any variables. This research design is useful for exploring relationships and generating hypotheses, but it does not allow for causal inferences.

Example: Correlational Research

A study finds a positive correlation between hours spent studying and academic performance among college students. While this correlation suggests an association between the two variables, it does not establish causation. It is possible that other factors, such as intelligence, motivation, or teaching quality, influence both study time and academic performance.

Third variable problem

The third variable problem refers to the potential influence of an uncontrolled or unmeasured variable on the observed relationship between two variables. This extraneous variable can create a false correlation or mask the true causal relationship.

Example: Extraneous and Confounding Variables

A study finds a correlation between ice cream sales and drowning incidents at a beach. However, this correlation is likely due to the influence of a third variable, such as temperature. Higher temperatures lead to increased ice cream sales and more people visiting the beach, increasing the risk of drowning incidents. Controlling for temperature or other confounding variables is essential to establish a causal relationship, if any exists.

Regression to the mean

Regression to the mean is a statistical phenomenon where extreme values tend to become closer to the average over time. This can lead to misleading correlations and incorrect causal inferences.

Example: Regression to the Mean

A company implements a new training program for its employees who scored poorly on a performance assessment. After the training, the employees’ scores improve. However, this improvement could be partly due to regression to the mean, as those with initially low scores are more likely to score closer to the average on subsequent assessments, regardless of the training intervention.

Spurious correlations

A spurious correlation is a statistical relationship that appears to exist between two variables but is not a true causal relationship. These correlations can arise due to coincidence, third variable problems, or other factors.

Example: Spurious Correlation

A study finds a correlation between the number of storks nesting in a particular region and the human birth rate in that area. However, this correlation is likely spurious and does not imply a causal relationship. Both variables may be influenced by other factors, such as the availability of suitable nesting sites for storks and socioeconomic conditions that affect human birth rates.

Directionality problem

The directionality problem refers to the inability of correlational research to determine the direction of the relationship between variables. A correlation does not indicate whether variable A causes variable B or vice versa.

Example: Directionality Problem

A study finds a correlation between depression and poor sleep quality. However, the direction of the relationship is unclear. It is possible that depression leads to poor sleep, or conversely, that poor sleep contributes to depression. Additional research is needed to establish the causal direction of this relationship.

Causal research

Causal links between variables are established through controlled experiments. Experiments allow researchers to test formal predictions, known as hypotheses, in order to determine causality in one specific direction at a time. The strength of experiments lies in their high internal validity, which enables researchers to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships with reasonable confidence.

In controlled experiments, researchers can establish directionality in one direction by manipulating an independent variable and subsequently measuring the change in a dependent variable. This manipulation of the independent variable before observing its effect on the dependent variable is crucial for inferring causality and ruling out alternative explanations, such as reverse causality or the influence of confounding variables.

Example: Testing directionality in an experimental design

To investigate the causal direction of the relationship between depression and sleep quality, researchers could conduct an experiment. One group of participants could receive a sleep intervention (independent variable), while a control group receives no intervention. If the sleep intervention group shows significant improvements in depression symptoms (dependent variable) compared to the control group, it would suggest that sleep quality has a causal influence on depression.

In a controlled experiment, researchers can eliminate the influence of third variables or confounding factors by employing random assignment and including control groups. Random assignment is a technique that helps distribute participant characteristics evenly across the experimental and control groups, ensuring that the groups are comparable and similar in terms of relevant variables.

By randomly assigning participants to either the experimental group or the control group, researchers can minimize the potential impact of extraneous variables that could influence the outcome. This random distribution of participant characteristics across groups helps to isolate the effect of the independent variable being studied.

Example: Controlling third variables in an experimental design

In a study examining the effect of a new teaching method (independent variable) on student achievement (dependent variable), researchers could use random assignment to control for potential confounding variables like student ability, motivation, and socioeconomic status. By randomly assigning students to the experimental (new teaching method) or control (traditional teaching method) groups, the influence of these third variables is equally distributed across both groups, allowing for a more accurate assessment of the causal effect of the teaching method.