A controlled experiment is a scientific method used to test a hypothesis by manipulating one variable while keeping all other variables constant. Here are the key elements:

  • Independent variable: The factor that the researcher changes or manipulates.
  • Dependent variable: The outcome that is measured and expected to change in response to the independent variable.
  • Control group: A group that does not receive the experimental treatment, serving as a baseline for comparison.
  • Experimental group: A group that receives the treatment or manipulation being tested.
  • Controlled variables: All other factors that are kept constant across all groups to ensure that only the independent variable affects the outcome.

The primary goal of a controlled experiment is to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. By carefully controlling other factors, researchers can be more confident that any observed changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.

What is a control group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment or intervention being tested. It is used as a baseline to compare the experimental group’s results, which does receive the treatment. The purpose of the control group is to show the effects of the treatment by providing a standard of comparison to see if any changes in the experimental group are due to the treatment itself or other factors.

What are extraneous variables?

Extraneous variables are any variables that are not the independent variable (the variable being tested) but could influence the experiment’s outcome (the dependent variable). If not controlled, these variables can introduce errors or bias, making it difficult to draw accurate conclusions about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

Why Conduct Controlled Experiments?

Control in experiments is vital for internal validity. It allows researchers to establish clear cause-effect relationships. It helps avoid biases, particularly those affecting generalizability, like sampling and selection bias. Strong control ensures that observed effects are due to the manipulated variable, not confounding factors.

Control helps to:

  • Isolate Variables: By keeping all variables except the one being tested constant, researchers can pinpoint the exact effects of the independent variable.
  • Reduce Confounding Variables: Confounding variables are external factors that can influence the outcome of an experiment. Proper control minimizes their impact.
  • Enhance Reliability: Controlled experiments are repeatable and yield consistent results, bolstering the findings’ reliability.
  • Increase Validity: Control enhances the experiment’s internal validity by eliminating alternative explanations.

Example: Experiment

You’re studying the effects of colors in fast food advertising. You want to test if using green increases the perceived value of products.

  • Your independent variable is the color used in advertising (green vs. non-green).
  • Your dependent variable is the price participants will pay for a standard fast-food meal.

Many factors could influence meal value. A controlled experiment is the best way to test whether ad color affects customers’ willingness to pay.


  • Control group: Sees ads in neutral color (black and white)
  • Experimental group: Sees same ads, but with green as the main color

Keep everything else the same:

  • Ad content (except color)
  • Meal type and amount
  • Time of experiment
  • Participant demographics
  • Testing environment

Run the experiment, collect data on willingness to pay, and analyze results to see if green makes a difference.

Extraneous variables are factors outside your study’s focus that can affect your results. To ensure your experiment’s internal validity, minimize or eliminate their influence. This allows you to accurately measure the effect of your independent variable on the dependent variable.

Example: Extraneous variables

You’re testing if background music affects how much people eat at a buffet. Extraneous variables include:

  • Time of day
  • Buffet food options
  • Restaurant temperature
  • Participant’s hunger level
  • Participant’s diet habits
  • Social context (eating alone vs. with others)
  • Participant’s mood

They could change how much people eat if you don’t control these. This makes it hard to know if the music affects eating habits or something else. You need to manage these variables carefully to get clear results.

Methods of Control

Researchers have a variety of techniques they can employ to exert control over their experiments and isolate the impact of the independent variable. One key approach is to standardize the data collection procedures across all participants. This means ensuring the testing environment, materials, and instructions are identical for everyone, with the sole difference being the independent variable you’re manipulating.

Another way to introduce control is through your participant sampling and selection methods. By defining clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, you can recruit a sample representative of your target population and minimize the influence of extraneous individual differences. For instance, you may choose only to include participants within a specific age range or income bracket and exclude those with certain medical conditions that could confound the results.

Additionally, measuring and accounting for relevant participant characteristics, such as gender, prior experience, or personality traits, allows you to control their potential effects statistically during your data analysis. This helps tease apart the unique contribution of your independent variable.

Control groups

The control group is the benchmark against which you can compare the experimental treatment results. The control group may receive a placebo, an alternative intervention, or no treatment depending on your research question. 

This allows you to determine whether any observed effects are truly due to your independent variable or could be explained by other factors, such as the passage of time or the simple act of receiving an intervention.

Example: Control groups 

You’re testing if a new study method improves test scores. Here’s how you set it up:

All students take a pre-test to measure their initial knowledge. Students are randomly split into two groups.

  • The control group uses their usual study methods for a week.
  • The experimental group uses the new study method for a week.

Both groups take the same post-test. Everything else stays the same:

  • Study material
  • Test difficulty
  • Study duration
  • Testing environment
  • Teacher support

Only the study method differs between groups. This setup helps you see if the new method improves test scores compared to usual studying. 

Random Assignment

Random assignment prevents systematic differences and selection bias between your control and treatment groups. This method ensures that extraneous participant variables are evenly distributed, allowing a valid comparison between groups.

Random assignment is a key feature of a “true experiment,” distinguishing it from quasi-experiments.

Example: Random Assignment

You’re testing if a new exercise routine improves fitness. To split your sample, give each participant a unique number. A random number generator will assign each number to the control or experimental group.

Random assignment helps balance participant traits across groups. This includes age, gender, initial fitness level, diet habits, and daily activity level. This balance lets you compare results directly between groups. Any differences in fitness improvement are more likely due to the new routine, not participant characteristics.

Masking (Blinding)

Masking, or blinding, in experiments, involves concealing the assignment of conditions from participants, researchers, or both (in a double-blind study). This technique is crucial in clinical studies testing new treatments or drugs to prevent research bias.

Researchers may unintentionally influence participants to behave in ways that confirm their hypotheses, leading to observer bias. Additionally, environmental cues might signal the experiment’s goals to participants, affecting their responses and known as demand characteristics. If participants alter their behavior because they know they are being observed, referred to as the Hawthorne effect, the validity of the results could be compromised.

Example: Masking (Blinding)

You’re testing a new pain relief cream. To ensure double-blinding, a separate research team prepares identical-looking tubes of the real cream and a placebo. They label the tubes with codes only they can decipher. You, as the main researcher, don’t know which is which.

Participants apply the cream at home and record their pain levels in a digital diary. They don’t know if they’re using the real cream or the placebo. When they return for follow-up, you assess their pain levels without knowing their group assignment. 

You also include questions about side effects and daily activities to mask the study’s true focus. This way, neither you nor the participants can inadvertently influence the results based on expectations. The coding team only reveals which tubes contained the real cream after all data is collected and initial analyses are complete.

Problems with Controlled Experiments

While control is crucial for establishing internal validity, it’s important to be aware of some of the potential limitations and challenges:

Difficulty controlling all variables: It’s challenging to account for every possible influence in real-world settings. Some variables might be overlooked or impossible to control fully. For instance, in a study on workplace productivity, factors like personal life stress or individual motivation can be hard to manage or measure accurately.

Risk of low external validity: The controlled nature of experiments can make them artificial. Results might not always translate well to real-life situations. For example, a drug tested under strict laboratory conditions might behave differently when used by patients in their daily lives, where factors like diet, stress, and other medications come into play.

Ethical limitations: While scientifically interesting, some experiments aren’t ethically feasible. You can’t deliberately expose people to harmful situations or deprive them of necessary treatments. This limits the types of research questions that can be addressed through controlled experiments.

Time and resource-intensive: Setting up a controlled experiment requires significant time, funding, and expertise. This can limit the scale of studies or make them impractical for some research questions, especially those requiring large sample sizes or long-term observation.

Frequently asked questions about controlled experiments

What are the requirements for a controlled experiment?

A controlled experiment requires manipulating an independent variable, measuring a dependent variable, and establishing both control and experimental groups. It also requires random assignment of participants and control of extraneous variables.

What is the difference between a control group and an experimental group?

The control group does not receive the treatment or intervention, serving as a baseline for comparison. The experimental group receives the treatment, and the outcome differences between the two groups show the treatment’s effects.

What is experimental design?

Experimental design is the structured plan for conducting an experiment, including how variables are manipulated and measured. It ensures that the experiment tests the hypothesis in a valid and controlled manner.

What is the purpose of controlling the environment when testing a hypothesis?

Controlling the environment eliminates external factors that could affect the outcome, ensuring that changes are due only to the independent variable. This increases the accuracy and reliability of the results.

Why are hypotheses important to controlled experiments?

A hypothesis provides a clear, testable prediction that guides the experiment’s design and focus. It helps determine what will be measured and what the experiment aims to confirm or refute.