Selecting the right topic for your college application essay is important. A strong essay topic should showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and personal growth while engaging the reader and providing insight into who you are as a person. Ensure that your is specific, personal, and original.

What makes a good topic?

A good college essay topic should:

  • Highlight your positive qualities and personal growth
  • Be specific and focused on a particular experience or aspect of your life
  • Reveal something meaningful about your character, values, or aspirations
  • Be engaging and memorable to the reader
  • Allow you to show, rather than simply tell, your story

Brainstorming questions to get started

To generate ideas for your essay topic, consider the following questions:

Topic categoryReflection questions
Your background, identity, or talents– How have your family, culture, or community shaped your identity and values?
– What unique talents or skills do you possess, and how have you developed them?
– How has your background influenced your perspective or aspirations?
Your challenges– What obstacles or setbacks have you faced, and how did you overcome them?
– How have challenging experiences contributed to your personal growth?
– What lessons have you learned from your struggles, and how will you apply them in the future?
Your role models– Who has had a significant impact on your life, and why?
– What qualities do you admire in your role models, and how do you strive to emulate them?
– How have your role models influenced your goals, values, or leadership style?
Your accomplishments and goals– What achievements are you most proud of, and why?
– How have your accomplishments shaped your sense of purpose or direction?
– What are your short-term and long-term goals, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Your academic and personal interests– What subjects or topics fascinate you, and why?
– How have you pursued your interests both inside and outside the classroom
– How do your interests relate to your future academic or career aspirations?
Your character and qualities– What values or principles guide your actions and decisions?
– How have you demonstrated leadership, creativity, or other positive qualities?- What unique attributes do you possess that would contribute to a college community?

Discover the best topic for you

There are several strategies you can use to find the best essay topic for you (writing about yourself):

Start with your qualities

  • Identify 2-3 positive qualities that define you, such as leadership, creativity, or perseverance.
  • Brainstorm experiences that demonstrate these qualities in action.
  • Choose the most meaningful example to focus on in your essay.
Loyalty and concern for others– Standing up for a friend who was being bullied, even though it meant risking your own social status
– Volunteering at a local animal shelter and dedicating time to care for abandoned pets
– Organizing a fundraiser to support a classmate’s family during a difficult time
Hard work and commitment– Maintaining a high GPA while balancing multiple extracurricular activities and a part-time job
– Training rigorously to overcome an injury and return to your sports team stronger than before
– Teaching yourself a new skill, such as coding or a foreign language, through self-study and perseverance
Selflessness and sacrifice– Giving up a summer vacation to volunteer abroad and help build homes for underprivileged families
– Donating your savings to a charitable cause that you believe in, even if it means sacrificing a personal goal
– Taking on additional responsibilities at home to support your family during a challenging period

Start with a story

  • Reflect on significant experiences, challenges, or turning points in your life.
  • Choose a specific story that reveals something important about your character and potential.
  • Identify the qualities and lessons that this story illustrates about you.
Overcoming a fear of public speaking to deliver a speech at a school assembly– Courage and determination
– Personal growth and self-improvement
– Ability to confront challenges head-on
Learning to cook traditional family recipes from your grandparents– Appreciation for cultural heritage
– Strong family values and connections
– Desire to preserve and share traditions
Starting a small business to raise money for a local charity– Entrepreneurial spirit and initiative
– Commitment to making a positive impact
– Creativity and problem-solving skills
Navigating a difficult family situation, such as a divorce or illness– Resilience and adaptability
– Emotional maturity and independence
– Ability to support and care for others
Participating in a research project or academic competition– Intellectual curiosity and passion
– Dedication to academic excellence
– Collaboration and teamwork skills

Talk it through

  • Discuss your ideas with a trusted friend, family member, or mentor.
  • Ask for their perspective on your strengths and most meaningful experiences.
  • Use their feedback to refine your topic and ensure it effectively showcases your qualities.

How to make a common topic compelling

If you decide to write about a topic that many other students may choose, it’s essential to make your essay stand out by incorporating the following elements:

  • Unique or unexpected narrative: Craft your story in a way that takes the reader on a journey with twists, turns, or revelations they might not anticipate. This can help your essay capture and maintain the reader’s attention.
  • Insightful reflections and connections: Demonstrate your ability to think deeply about your experiences by offering meaningful insights and connecting your story to broader themes or ideas. Show how your experience has shaped your perspective, values, or goals in a significant way.
  • Sophisticated writing techniques: Employ advanced writing strategies to elevate your essay, such as using vivid descriptions, a strong voice, and a clear structure. Showcase your ability to use language effectively to convey your message and create an engaging reading experience.

Here are some examples:

Common topicWhy it’s difficultHow to make it work
Extracurricular activitiesMany students write about their extracurricular involvement, making it challenging to stand out.– Focus on a specific moment or project that showcases your unique contributions and growth.
– Discuss how the activity has shaped your values, skills, or future goals.
– Use vivid storytelling to bring your experiences to life.
Your role modelEssays about role models can often be cliché or lack depth.– Choose a role model who has had a profound and unusual impact on your life.
– Explore the complexities of your relationship and how you’ve both influenced each other.
– Reflect on how your role models’ qualities have inspired personal growth and change.
A traumatic experience or death in the familyIt can be challenging to write about sensitive topics without sounding melodramatic or cliché.– Focus on a specific moment or interaction that illustrates your emotional journey.
– Emphasize how the experience has shaped your perspective, values, or goals.
– Use a measured, reflective tone that shows your maturity and resilience.
Struggling with new life situationsEssays about adjusting to new situations, such as moving or changing schools, can be common.– Highlight unique challenges or opportunities presented by the situation.
– Discuss how you grew or changed as a result of the experience.
– Connect your personal story to larger themes or insights about adaptability and growth.
Becoming a better personMany students write about personal growth, but the topic can be vague or lack specificity.-Focus on a specific event or realization that sparked your desire to improve.
– Provide concrete examples of how you’ve changed your actions or attitude.
– Reflect on the ongoing nature of personal growth and your plans for continued development.

College essay topic checklist

To help you evaluate your college essay topic and ensure it meets these criteria, we’ve created a comprehensive checklist. Use this checklist to assess your topic and make sure you have chosen a subject that effectively highlights your strengths, experiences, and potential contributions to the college community.

  • I have chosen a topic that highlights my unique qualities, experiences, or perspectives.
  • I have focused on a specific story, event, or realization that demonstrates my personal growth.
  • I have reflected on how this experience has shaped my values, goals, or worldview.
  • I have provided concrete examples and vivid details to bring my story to life.
  • I have avoided clichés and generalities in favor of authentic, personal insights.
  • I have considered my audience and what I want admissions officers to learn about me.
  • I have crafted a compelling narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • I have used a tone and style that reflects my unique voice and personality.
  • I have proofread my essay for clarity, coherence, and grammatical errors.
  • I have sought feedback from trusted mentors, teachers, or peers to refine my topic and approach.
  • I have ensured that my topic aligns with the specific prompt and guidelines provided by the college.
  • I have reflected on how my topic connects to my larger story and application narrative.
  • I have considered how my topic showcases my potential to contribute to the college community.
  • I have chosen a topic that I am genuinely excited and passionate about exploring in depth.
  • I have pushed myself to be vulnerable, honest, and authentic in my storytelling and reflections.