The title page of your thesis or dissertation conveys critical details about your work, such as the title, name, institution, and degree sought. This page sets a professional tone for the document and is subject to specific formatting requirements.

Below is a list of key elements that are typically included in standard thesis and dissertation title pages:

  • Thesis Title: Reflect on the essence of your research.
  • Your Name: Should be the same name under which you are registered at your university.
  • Document type: Labels the document as a thesis, dissertation, or similar.
  • Affiliation: The name of your institution and possibly your department.
  • Student Number: Required by some institutions to identify your work.
  • Degree Program: Specifies the academic degree you are aiming for.
  • Submission Date: The date you submit your thesis or dissertation.

Title Page Format

Formatting your title page is crucial for making a strong first impression. Typically, it should include your dissertation title, name, institution, department, degree program, supervisor’s name, and the submission date. The title should be clear and concise, reflecting the content of your thesis. Font size and style should be consistent with the rest of the document, often using Times New Roman 12 pt font unless your university specifies otherwise.

Title Pages for APA and MLA Style

The title page for APA and MLA styles differ notably. For APA, your title page should have a running head, the title (should not exceed 12 words), the name, and the institutional affiliation. 

In contrast, MLA style does not typically require a separate title page; however, if one is used, it lists only the title, your name, the course title, the instructor’s name, and the date. Both styles require that the title page should not be numbered.

Title Page Templates

Utilizing a title page template can simplify the process. Your university often provides templates that follow the required citation style and ensure all elements are correctly formatted.

If your institution does not provide a template, many educational resources online offer downloadable examples specific to your citation style and degree program.

Research Paper Title Page Template

Dissertation Title Page Template

Thesis Title Page Template

Title Page Example

A well-formulated title page example demonstrates proper placement of the title about halfway down the page, your name beneath it, followed by the phrase “Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of,” then your degree title, and finally, the name of your department, university, supervisor, and the date of submission. 

Double-check with your department’s guidelines for any additional elements that might be needed. Remember, adherence to formatting guidelines is not just a formality; it reflects your attention to detail and respect for academic norms.

Additional Templates & Examples

Using a template can streamline creating the title page for your thesis or dissertation. Templates often have predefined sections such as student number, project title, submission date, and affiliation. They provide a framework to ensure all the details are included and formatted correctly.

Here’s an example outline of a title page:

  • Title of Thesis: Towards a Greater Understanding of Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Student’s Full Name: Jane Doe
  • Institutional Affiliation: University of Example, Department of Biology
  • Submission Date: March 18, 2024
  • Degree Sought: Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences

Templates can be found on academic resources or university websites. Check out Illinois Graduate College and The Northern Illinois University for some.

Before finalizing, proofread your title page, check your original research’s scope and methodological approach, and ensure all chapters are referenced if necessary. Whether it’s an individual or group project, clarity and attention to detail on your title page set a professional tone for your work.