When conducting research or analyzing data, it’s crucial to have a representative sample that accurately reflects the larger population you’re studying. This is where probability sampling comes into play.

Probability sampling is a statistical technique where each member of the population has a known, non-zero chance of being selected for the sample. Researchers use probability sampling techniques like stratified random sampling to ensure that the sample is reflective of the population, reducing sampling bias.

By selecting a random sample, researchers can be more confident that the data is representative of the population, allowing them to make reliable inferences about the whole group. Each participant, as part of the sample, plays a critical role in achieving valid results.

Types of Probability Sampling

Probability sampling methods are based on the principle of random selection, where each element in the population has a known, non-zero chance of being included in the sample. This allows researchers to make statistical inferences about the population based on the sample data. Here are the main types of probability sampling:

  • Simple Random Sampling
  • Systematic Sampling
  • Stratified Sampling
  • Cluster Sampling

Simple Random Sampling

Each individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample. This is often considered the purest form of random sampling. 


You own a popular clothing store in a busy shopping mall. You’d like to better understand your customer base’s shopping habits and preferences to improve your product offerings and marketing strategies. Since surveying every customer who visits your store is not feasible, you use simple random sampling to collect data from a representative sample.

First, you obtain a list of all customers who purchased at your store over the past month. This list, which contains 10,000 customers, serves as your sampling frame. You select 500 random numbers between 1 and 10,000 using a random number generator. You then match these random numbers to the corresponding customer on the list. These 500 customers will make up your simple random sample.

For example, if the first random number generated is 4,321, you would select the 4,321st customer on the list as part of your sample. You continue this process until you have 500 customers selected.

Systematic Sampling

The sample is selected at regular intervals from the population. This method is useful when you have a complete list of the population. 


You work in the HR department of a large multinational corporation with 20,000 employees across various offices and departments. Your company is interested in conducting an employee satisfaction survey to understand areas for improvement.

Rather than surveying all 20,000 employees, which would be time-consuming and costly, you decide to use systematic sampling to select a representative sample. First, you obtain a complete list of all 20,000 employees, sorted alphabetically by last name. This list serves as your sampling frame.

You determine that you need a sample size of 1,000 employees. To calculate the sampling interval, you divide the total population size (20,000) by the desired sample size (1,000), giving you a sampling interval of 20.

You then randomly select a starting point by generating a random number between 1 and 20. Let’s say the first random number generated is 12. You will choose the 12th employee on the list and every 20th employee after that. Your systematic sample would consist of the 12th, 32nd, 52nd, 72nd, and so on, up to the 992nd and 1012th employees on the list.

Stratified Sampling 

The population is divided into mutually exclusive subgroups (strata), and a random sample is taken from each stratum. This ensures that the sample represents the proportions of different subgroups within the population. 


You are studying college students’ academic performance and engagement at a large state university with 20,000 enrolled students. You want to investigate whether there are any differences in academic outcomes between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

To ensure your sample is representative, you decide to use stratified sampling. First, you obtain enrollment data from the university registrar, which shows that 60% of students come from middle or upper-income households (high SES), and 40% come from low-income households (low SES).

You determine that you need a sample size of 500 students to have sufficient statistical power. Using the proportions from the population, you then calculate your target sample sizes for each stratum:

High SES stratum: 60% of 500 = 300 students. Low SES stratum: 40% of 500 = 200 students

You then use simple random sampling to select 300 students from the high SES group and 200 students from the low SES group. This ensures that your overall sample matches the demographic composition of the university’s student body.

Cluster Sampling

The population is divided into clusters (such as geographical regions or organizational units), and a random sample of clusters is selected. This method is useful when the population is spread out or inaccessible. 

Cluster sampling can be categorized into two main types:

  • Single-stage cluster sampling
  • Multistage cluster sampling

Single-stage cluster sampling: In this approach, the entire population is divided into clusters, and the researcher selects one or more clusters to represent the whole population.

Example: Single-Stage Cluster Sampling 

You are researching the effects of a new math curriculum on student achievement. However, you cannot access a comprehensive list of all elementary school students in your state. Instead, you decide to use a single-stage cluster sampling approach.

First, you obtain a list of all elementary schools in the state, along with their enrollment numbers. Then, you assign a unique identification number to each school, treating them as clusters. You randomly select 20 elementary schools from the list using a random number generator. These 20 schools will make up your sample.

Next, you contact the principals of the selected schools and request their collaboration. You ask them to distribute your math achievement survey to all 4th and 5th grade students in their schools.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. Since you are sampling at the school level, your data may have more variability than individual-level sampling. Additionally, you must account for the clustered nature of the data in your analysis to ensure valid statistical inferences.

Overall, single-stage cluster sampling is a practical choice when you can access a list of pre-existing groups (in this case, elementary schools) but lack a comprehensive roster of the individual population members.

Multistage cluster sampling: This method involves further subdivision of the initial clusters into smaller clusters or subgroups. This process continues through multiple stages, progressively narrowing down the sample size until the desired level of specificity is reached.

Example: Multi-Stage Sampling  

You are investigating workplace-related stress in an ed-tech company. You want to draw a sample of employees for the survey. The organizational chart shows that the company consists of 9 departments, each of which consists of 2 to 4 units, resulting in 17 different units.

First, you take a simple random sample of departments. Then, again, using simple random sampling, you select several units. Based on the population size (i.e., how many employees work at the company) and your desired sample size, you establish that you need to include 3 units in your sample. Once you have selected, you ask every employee in the selected units to complete your questionnaire.

Examples of Probability Sampling Methods

Researchers have several options for drawing random samples from a population. Let’s look at a few examples to see how these probability sampling methods can be applied.

Fishbowl draw

This physical method involves writing each population member’s identifier on a slip of paper, placing all slips in a container, mixing thoroughly, and drawing the required sample size. It’s useful for small populations or when demonstrating randomness to an audience. 

Example: A small town with 500 residents must select 50 people for a community planning committee. The town clerk writes each resident’s name on a slip of paper, places them in a large bowl, and has the mayor draw out 50 names during a televised town hall meeting. This method ensures transparency and allows all residents to witness the random selection process.

Random number generator

This computerized method produces random numbers corresponding to population members. It’s efficient for larger populations and easily replicable. A researcher studying voter preferences might use a random number generator to select participants from a city’s numbered list of registered voters.

Example: A pharmaceutical company is conducting a clinical trial and needs to select 1000 participants from a pool of 10,000 eligible volunteers. Each volunteer is assigned a number from 1 to 10,000. The researchers use a computer program to generate 1000 random numbers within this range. The volunteers whose assigned numbers match the generated numbers are selected for the trial. This method efficiently handles the large sample size and can be easily verified or replicated.

Random number function

Similar to a random number generator, this refers to functions in software like Excel’s RAND() or RANDBETWEEN(). It’s particularly useful when working with large datasets in spreadsheets.  

Example: A national survey company has a database of 1 million households. They need to select 5000 households for a new consumer behavior study. They assign each household a row number from 1 to 1,000,000 using Excel. In a new column, they use the formula =RANDBETWEEN(1,1000000) to generate a random number for each household. They then sort the data based on these random numbers and select the first 5000 rows. This method allows for quick and unbiased selection from a very large dataset, and the process can be easily documented and repeated if necessary.

Probability vs. Non-Probability Sampling

The key difference between probability and non-probability sampling is the element of randomness. 

Probability sampling methods rely on random selection, where each element in the population has a known, non-zero chance of being included in the sample. This allows researchers to make statistical inferences about the population and calculate the margin of error.

Non-probability sampling methods do not involve random selection. Instead, the researcher chooses the sample using judgment or convenience. These methods are often used when random sampling is not feasible, or the research has a specific focus.

When to use probability sampling

Probability sampling is a sampling method ideal for research that requires an accurate representation of a population. It is commonly used in market research when a sampling strategy needs to ensure that all population segments have a probability of being included. 

In more structured research methods, probability sampling techniques, like stratified sampling or multi-stage cluster sampling, help create a sample design similar to simple random sampling but more refined for specific populations. 

This sampling allows for more accurate generalizations by ensuring that each group within the population is represented, making sampling ensure that the data collected reflects the target audience effectively.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Probability Sampling

Probability sampling selects a sample from a population where each member has a known, non-zero chance of being included in the sample. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of probability sampling:

1. Representativeness: Allows for selecting a sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population.1. Time-consuming and costly: It can be time-consuming and expensive, especially when dealing with large populations or geographically dispersed samples.
2. Generalizability: Results obtained from a probability sample can be generalized to the entire population.2. Requires a sampling frame: This relies on having a complete and accurate list of all population members, which can be challenging or impossible to obtain in some cases.
3. Reduced bias: Minimizes the potential for researcher bias in the selection process.3. Non-response bias: If selected individuals refuse to participate or cannot be reached, it can lead to non-response bias, affecting the sample’s representativeness.
4. Statistical inference: Enables statistical inference techniques to estimate population parameters.4. Sampling error: Although probability sampling aims to minimize sampling error, it is still present due to the population’s inherent variability.
5. Limited flexibility: Probability sampling methods are relatively inflexible once the sampling process has begun.

Differences between probability sampling and non-probability sampling

Here are the key differences between probability sampling and non-probability sampling:

AspectNon-probability samplingNon-probability sampling
Selection methodBased on the researcher’s judgment or convenience    Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
Sampling frameDoes not require a complete sampling frame   Requires a complete sampling frame
ObjectiveUsed for exploratory research; not focused on generalization    Aims to produce a representative sample for generalization to the population
BiasProne to sampling bias due to non-random selection    Reduces bias through random selection
Statistical generalization  Difficult to generalize results to the entire population    Results can be generalized to the total population with confidence
Types of  sampling methodsConvenience sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling    Stratified sampling, simple random sampling, systematic sampling
Use caseUsed for hard-to-reach populations or limited resources    Suitable for research that requires statistical validity and generalization