An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that makes a clear argument. It presents evidence and analysis to convince the reader of a certain viewpoint. Every academic essay has three main parts:

  • An introduction that states the main argument
  • A body with paragraphs that use evidence and examples to support the argument
  • A conclusion that reinforces and wraps up the argument

After you finish writing your essay, you should use a checklist to review and improve your work.  Use the following checklist to assess its strength and effectiveness.

Essay Checklist 

  • I have ensured that my essay adheres to the assignment requirements, including the specified topic and length.
  • I have crafted an introduction that captivates the reader’s interest and provides relevant background information on the topic.
  • I have included a clear thesis statement in my introduction, which articulates the main focus and position of my essay.
  • I have utilized paragraphs to organize the structure of my essay effectively.
  • I have employed topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and guide the reader through my arguments.
  • I have ensured that each paragraph maintains a single focus and establishes a strong connection to the central thesis statement.
  • I have incorporated smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas to enhance the flow and coherence of my writing.
  • I have composed a conclusion that goes beyond mere repetition of points, instead drawing meaningful connections between the arguments presented.
  • I have refrained from introducing new arguments or evidence in the conclusion, ensuring it synthesizes the existing content.
  • I have diligently provided in-text citations for every quote or piece of information sourced from external references.
  • I have compiled a comprehensive reference page at the end of my essay, furnishing complete details for all the sources I have consulted.
  • I have formatted my citations and references in accordance with the stipulated citation style guidelines.
  • I have selected an engaging and informative title for my essay to pique the reader’s interest.
  • I have carefully adhered to all the necessary formatting guidelines, including font style, page numbers, and line spacing, to ensure a polished presentation.